Plans, Drawings and Pics of Modern Diesel Fuel Fac


I am looking for any source I can find that has plans for a modern diesel fuel and sanding facility. I am either interested in kitbashing or scratch-building a modern diesel fuel and sanding facility that can be found in most modern rail yards today. If anyone has any suggestions, websites, books, or if they know that MR has any plans/drawings/articles/pics, please let me know what year and what month. Thanks so much!


Hi there!!

Try Walthers model trains , you might get lucky!!!They might have a kit that you could get to start you off. Otherwise just try a general search on the net, again you might get lucky!

Hi Terry,

These posts should have an expiration date on them. LOL!

Actually, I DID find many pics and information for building my own fueling and sanding facilities. In addition, found several websites that show a good amount of detail of such facilities in HO scale. I also came across plans to build a modern diesel washbay, a dynamic scale and scalehouse, and several other facilities that would be vital to the servicing area.

Thanks for the advice though.
