plans for 2-8-0 & 2-10-0

Is there plans for the L&HR 2-8-0 90 class or the GM&O 2-10-0 Baldwin built 1923? Gary

For #90 you want plans for a RDG I-10sa engine (#90 is a copy). I’m sure plans were published somewhere.

What is the dia of the boiler of the GM&O 2-10-0 200 class. I could use the plans of the light 2-10-0 for the frame and could model the locomotive that way. Gary

Does anyone have a broadside photo of the GM&O 200 class? Gary

A quick search came up with some photos, although I’m not sure if they include the locos that you mentioned.

I’m uncertain as to how I can give you a link to the page, but I used the phrase below, in a google search. I think that if you simply copy it exactly, it should bring up the same page.

GULF MOBILE & OHIO 200 class steam locomotives - photos?

EDIT: There is a 2-10-0 HERE, although I don’t know if it’s the one that you’re seeking.


The entire 1922 Locomotive Cyclopedia is accessable online. Perhaps the specific locomotives you are looking for may not be listed but there is a wealth of information there along with some detailed drawings of several classes of locomotives.

Here’s one example:

NYC_4-8-2_Elevation by Edmund, on Flickr

An overview of the locomotive types begins on page 101:

scroll down from there.

Good Luck, Ed

I have some reading to do!


diagram for Reading I-10.

many others available, Reading Company 1926 Steam Locomotive Diagrams

Lehigh & Hudson River locomotive photos on North East Rails