Plastic & Kiddy Lionels at Wal Mart

I was surprised to see a display of plastic and kiddy Lionel trains at Wally World. There is even one train with a cogged track so the stubby little engine and cars can climb a very short and steep grade. I asked a WM employee about the display and they said that is all handled by the Lionel person that comes in.

Our WalMart even has a small O-gauge set along the lines of the Target set. I think it sells for about $175. Unfortunately, the place it behind the jewelry section, so it is away from the toys.


Same for our local Wally World, Lionel display in the jewelry department but it is somewhat visible when entering the store. The display was loaded mostly with the G Gauge sets and a few O Gauge sets. I did pick-up the Lionelville Destination Adventure video, the youngest grandson did enjoy it. Seems to be a series, will have to get the second edition when released.

Had those in Arkansas too. Smack dab in the front center behind the registers with what is easily the biggest display ever.

Ran over there to anticipate what they had to offer. All plastic. Ugh.

In addition to various stores carrying the Lionel brand model electric train, one of our local N.Y.C., N.Y.S’s. radio station’s program has Lionel as it’s sponsor.

Still the best is when Johnny Cash used to advertise Lionel Model Electric Trains!


Our Target here has a couple sets. One O gauge and the Polar Expless in G.

Keep in mind that “Uncle Sam” ruled that Electric Trains ( the kind that has a transformer that plugs into a wall outlet) is for “Age 8 And Above”. The new plastic sets puts Lionel back into the young market ages 3 to 6.

A couple of things about he trains at Walmart and Target. First I am glad to see them in the stores. Our Walmart has G, O and the plastic trains for thee younger children. The O set is an 8 wheel steamer with maybe 3 cars for $175.00. I think it is a nice set to get someone who might want O gauge trains into the hobby. The G is nice too in its own way, and they have a track expansion pack available for that too. The plastics I didn’t look at, but when my children were small, not only did they run my Lionel under the Christmas tree, but had their Brio trains too, The kids liked those wooden trains, and so did my wife and I. Infact one of our nieghbors must have collected alot of them from garage sales or some sort, because he had the biggest wooden trains set I ever saw, and said his family enjoyed setting them up at Christmas. So maybe that is what the plastics are about for Lionel. As said, I am glad to see the Lionel back in the sotres at Christmas. That one picture on this forum the last few days of the Texas Special 210, reminds me of when we would see the trains in the store when I was a kid. For all to long trains disappeared from the landscape around where I have lived, and only in the 90s did I start making contact with it again. Too, Walmart has a selection of nice T shirts with different Lionel pictures/graphics. We bought the video, and I couldn’t wait to view it Sunday night. Lionel trains has been a long hobby for me, and while I don’t have a running layout at this time, I still enjoy the trains and the season. Happy Holidays all.

No Lionel’s at Walmart here though that could be partly because mine isn’t a super walmart. Target all they have are the G gauge stuff stacked on the floor 4 feet hight at the corner of one of the end caps of toys which doesn’t help me since haven’t seen O gauge anywhere other then in ads for place like Bed Bath and Beyond and Target but no physical stuff in the stores.