Please Help Me!!

I recently bought a used Athearn Genesis SD70 and Im wanting to install a DCC chip in it. But I dont know how to take the shell off. The handrails are already installed. Does anyone know how to take the shell off? PLEASE help me!!!


I would email Athearn and ask them how it’s done. I have always found Athearn to be responsive and quick to email back!

Perhaps a good hobby shop sold you this engine. Maybe the staff (Includes just the owner) may be able to demonstrate to you how to do it. It is usually one of the first things we learn.

Thanks for the replys, I emailed Athearn and maybe they can help. I bought the locomotive off of ebay since there isn`t a hobby shop near here.

If this loco is a wide cab. I have the assembly instructions booklet and it says to cradle the underframe at the fuel tanks with one hand, grasp the long hood below the " Q" fan openings with the thunb and forefinger of the other hand, squeeze, then carefullylift and twist the body slightly. the long hood should separate from the walkway.Becareful of the wires of the ditchlites and the front and rear lites. They are still attached to the mechanism. I hope this will help you take it slow and easy and be careful. rambo1…

Thanks for the reply rambo1. Ive tried and Ive tried it just won`t budge.

Remove the cupplers first and slowly try to work the body up keep trying very slowly to lift the long hood first it is very tight be careful!

Remove the cupplers first and slowly try to work the body up keep trying very slowly to lift the long hood first it is very tight be careful!