Happy holidays everyone! My 8 year old son has a lionel pen flyer o gauge and a few add on packs.
this year he wants santa to bring him an amtrak set. i am having a really hard time finding one in o gauge, they have a new one out but its almost $2000.00 which is way more then i am able to spend.
i did find a gently used one, but its an o27 gauge. someone told me that that would work with the o gauge fast track from lionell. is this true? are o gauge and o27 gauge compatible. the set is called the big rugged o27 amtrak by lionel. i would really appreciate any imput. Thanks !!
Unless Lionel has changed their process, they’re still in the O-27 realm. Your biggest issue will be whether or not it is 2 rail or 3 rail (well, and AC or DC… but I think Lionel is all AC)
Thanks that really helped! the set he has now is fast track o gauge and the one i want to buy him is the metal, but thats ok i can just pick up some more fast track as long as i have that amtrak train.
I have know idear when this o27 amtrack was made it may be 10 years old would that make a difference? is all o and o 27 compatible? whats the difference bettween the two?
All “O27” means is a circle of track will fit on a surface 27" wide. That’s smaller (tighter) than Lionel’s “standard” O, which used to be called O72.
But the trains themselves aren’t different (not these days). Used to be, O27 train cars were smaller so they could fit around the sharper curves better. But all Lionel trains are compatible with each other.
Should make no difference at all the O-27 will run fine on the newer track.
If it is Lionel’s it is. The only issue would be some of the larger O locomotives might have a hard time turning on a small O-27 curved track.
As Midnight stated in the prior post the O-27 equipment is slightly smaller to go around sharper curves. O-27 track makes a 27" circle while regular O makes a 32" circle. They also made super O which had 72" circles. I believe the new fast tracks make 36" circles so an O-27 would easily make that turn.
The Fasttrak IS compatible with both O-27 and O. The only problem might be power to the engine as the power supply (CW80) might be too modern. Most engines will work but some are tempermental. If you need EXPERT advice call the shop tomorrow or Sat. when one of our techs will be there. We open @ 10am CST. and close @ 6pm. our # is 210-655-4665.