I am cross-posting this message from the Maine Central Yahoo group. Scotty Mallett, the original poster, is asking for support to have the MEC Roundhouse in Bartlett, NH placed on the NH State Registry of Historic Places. The roundhouse was originally built in 1887 for the Portland and Ogdensburg RR. His message follows:
February 19, 2008
Dear Friends,
Scotty here, my reason for contacting all of you is to ask a very important favor. No, I don't need or am I asking for money. For the past 4 years I have been trying to work with the State Of New Hampshire's, Bureau of Rail and transit to save the 121 year old Portland and Ogdensburg Roundhouse in Bartlett, N.H. This roundhouse was built in 1887, by the P&O, to replace the original 1873 roundhouse that had become to small for the growing locomotives. The cost of the build, just over $ 6,000. It served a useful life until 1958, when it was sold to the State of New Hampshire's DOT. The roundhouse employed a force of about 50 in the 71 years in operation. The State has run out of funds and so it will be anywhere from 3-5 years or more before funding might be available, as more important projects take precedent.
So I am taking a different avenue, I am in the midst of filling out an application to the New Hampshire Department of Historical Resources. The purpose of the application, to get the Bartlett Roundhouse placed on the State Registry of Historic Places. The folks informed me that the roundhouse meets all the requirements for placement, someone just needs to do the application. I am waiting for the snow to melt a bit as I need a dozen B&W pictures of the building. Placing it on the list also make the Roundhouse Available for grants. When the work to the Roundhouse is finished, it will become a 501c3Museum. It can not, by state law be used for anything else.
Here is the favor I am asking, it will only take a minute or two of your time. If you c