Please help the Dummy III

The dummy strikes again! I have now got the track and the loco’s wheels cleaned and the layout runs fine. I went ot the LHS and picked up 2 boxcars to ensure that the loco can actually pull them. Imagine my surprise when I returned home, unpackaged my new toys and found out that the connectors were not compatable with those on the loco.

The boxcars came with a set of smaller connectors that will mate with those on the loco (The loco is an older Kato if that helps). I managed to get one of the connectors out, without losing the little spring, but I can’t seem to get the spring and the new smaller knuckle connector back together.

Is there some trick to this? The trucks are not screwed on to the bottom of the car they apear to be rivited or held on with some sort of pin. I don’t want to tra***he car.

I am working in “N” scale if that matters.

I realize that some (if not all) of my posts may be stupid, and I really appreciate the help and advice that all of you have provided


Hi Len;

Your scale matters a great deal.

Please also tell us the specific models you have, manufacturer and type. If you can find a picture on the web to link to, all the better (try the mfg’s website and Walthers).

Here is Kato’s site: click on N Models at the top, and a list of thier N scale locomotives will appear on the left.


Your posts have not been stupid. For those that would admit it (like me) you will find modelers on this FORUM that have been railfans/modelers for decades and yet still needing to find out more info on a simple or complex problem. Hang in there! One or more fellow modelers will have an answer for you!

Thanks for the help, The loco is about 9 years old as far as I know. I bought it used that long ago just to test the track layout. The boxcar is “Micro Trains” .

I have been fooling around trying to get the new smaller coupler in with no success. I can get either the spring in, or the coupler in but not both.

Any help will be appreciated!

Sounds as if you have run into the two main types of N Scale couplers - there are those that are designed to resemble the prototype couplers and that use magnetic uncoupling - these are the N scale equivelent of Kadees, both Microtrains and Kato use them amongst others. The other type is the older Rapido couplings - these are a simple plastic moulding that is designed to move up or down to couple.

The trucks may be held on with small plastic pins that are a push-fit into the chassis - most N scale cars I have worked on have this. Try gently levering them out - I’m assuming you want to remove the trucks to make refitting couplers easier? You might also want to try using tweezers, small screwdrivers, etc to help position the components - I have problems fitting these in HO scale, especially on locos where couplers have to be fitted after the bodyshell! Most difficult was an Athearn PA - front coupler on these is a real nuisance to fit.

Try switching to “G” scale the parts are easier to handle and see. JUST KIDDING!! I’ m always amazed a people who model in N and Z scale do to the small parts.

Good luck, from Aw struck Carpenter matt

That would be me! (just shy of 50 years in the hobby…at least chronoligically). As the old saying goes, “The only stooopid question is the one I haven’t asked yert!” (or something like that.)

Okay, I’ll get serious. I was hoping you were going to say one of those boxcars you bought was a track cleaner car. I don’t know if they even make these (also called “skidder cars”, or some such) in N-scale, but I am ASSuming they do.

Good luck and keep on asking those “stupid” questions. Makes the rest of us feel smart!