Please help with an Atlas RS-3 Problem

I have an HO Atlas RS-3 that is about 2 yrs old and today it developed a chattering noise and was running sluggish for a bit. I figured it might be the gears and took off the body. Over the gear covers are big metal weights that cradle the lights and wires. Are these easy to take off and if I do will I mess up the wires or any other electronics? I wanted to lube the gears to see if that would fix the noise. Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Any one have any ideas? I don’t want to start anything until I know what I’m doing[sigh]

Thanks, Bruce

No clue about if it’s easy to take off the weights. Unless the wires are glue/taped/joined to the weight, it shouldn’t get damaged. I would say use the warranty, but thats probably expired. I might call Atlas and ask about it, though. My [2c]. [:D]

I bought an Atlas RS-3 (classic), it was unused second hand and when I put it on the test track (DC) it sat there and buzzed like a DC loco would on DCC track. I tracked the problem down to the lubricant in the truck gears had gone hard, after a clean out and re lube it runs perfectly.

I don’t recall having any problems removing the weights, they had two small screws in each, they look the same but I would mark which end they came off so they can go back the same way just incase.

I can scan and post the exploded view diagram for you if yours is missing.