Here is a picture to my lower level layout plan. I think it needs more, any ideas are welcome. The lower level is going to be on 4’ x 8’ sheets of plywood the 2nd Level will be on 3 1/2’ x 8’ sheets of plywood to allow for a water fall from the 2nd level to the first. I would also like to add some way to have the trains go from the lower level to the upper level, any ideas? The outside perimeter is going to be TMCC on the lower level, while the upper level is going to be operated in conventional mode thats what i want to do anyway… below the first picture is a second picture to the 2nd level of the layout.
Below is the picture to the 1st Level of the layout…(click Pic for a bigger view)
Below is the picture to the 2nd level of the layout…(Click Pic for a bigger view)
I think I need to do something to the 2nd Level of the layout as you would enter it would be on your right, it looks to much like the 1st level. the Figure 8’s, any ideas?
I have also included a Pic of the building that this layout will be in… when I get it all done. Its still in the planning statges, the layout itself.
Maybe on the backside you could have a straight track come down to the lower level, another idea would be to use a helix with 072 curves(a big curve section that winds around as it goes down). If you want to work on the layout in the future remember to plan for it in advance, example would be a lower level switch going bad or a derailment in a tunnel, how would you get to it? An easy way to solve that problem would be a trap door on the bottom under the layout in a tunnel area, or a mountain that can be lifted out.
Hey Black Diamond, other than the figure 8, are you going to have reversing loops or more sidings? Maybe some industries or something? I think that you are using O31 on this layout or maybe O36 Fastrack? At 32 feet along the back wall, you would have (I think) about a 6 percent grade to go up 2 feet to another level… I don’t think that would work out too well, but if you did a switch back, you might be able to cut that down… Or you could go around the corners with your connecting track and cut that grade way down… What kind of scenery will you be adding - any ideas yet?
Now, if I may…get rid of a good portion of those straight tangents of track. Incorporate some 45 degree crossings to free up your figure 8 section. Where possible, push that track back from the layout edge. You gotta ton of room to work with, try not to be so ridgid.
I like the simplicity of the runs. Look like you enjoy watching your trains. I ended up running lines parallel to the edge of the layout space in gigantic ovals. I know breaking up the parallel lines looks better visually but I prefer having everything within arms reach - like you have here.
I would consider expanding the top portion of the layout from 4’ wide to 5’ wide. It looks like you have a very wide walkway, so it should not impact your walkway. With 5’ wide benchwork, you could add a second main, so that you could run two trains at once. With a 5’ width, you could use 0-54 and 0-42 curves. With a double main, you could use crossovers to connect the two tracks. If you went to a 5’ width, you would, however, need to consider having some access points in the layout.
I would also consider putting a yard where the figure 8 is at the lower right of the first level. I like to be able to keep multiple engines and rolling stock on the layout itself. You would then have to incorporate a reversing loop elsewhere into the plan.
You could also add additional sidings, if you want to add accessories to the layout.
As far as moving trains from the first level to the second, I would just consider using an slope along the long side of the layout. With 32’ to play with, this is a very mild slope.
You probably also have room for a turntable, if you are interested.
Brutus, Ummm… I have about 60 to 65 Department 56 buildings. I am not sure if you are familiar with them or not. They are Lighted Ceramic houses hand painted. ( (or you can look on ebay in the search box put Department 56) I was looking at adding more sidings, but I want to leave some room for the buildings on the layout to. You are correct I am using Fastrack 036. The reversing loop I really want to add one of those, Ever seen the movie The Polar Express, The scene at the North Pole with the Christmas Tree thats like 500 ft tall? I have the Polar Express Train Set so yes that would be awesom. I just got to figure a place to put it, but hey I dont only have to go 2 levels I can go three…
Jd Train… Im with you there putting a yard where the figure 8 is on the lower level, I like to keep trains sitting waiting to go… just the other day i was looking at a turntable on ebay. Like I was telling Brutus above I can always add another level have 3 instead of 2. You are also correct, the walkway currently would be 4 ft wide, but the problem is with that at one end of the building where the door is 5ft would protrude out past the door…but i could always let it stay 4 ft wide have it gradually start to slope out to 5 ft the rest of the length of the building (If that makes any sense) Then, connecting the lower to the upper level would u do it along the back of the layoput against the wall? thats what I am thinking, I dont know how to figure out the degree of the sloap over 32 ft long, is there a formula for that?
Yeah I know it looks to rigid, I don think there is like any character, I like the long runs though…I could add a couple of turnouts and try to make it look more…flowing if you will…also the moving the track back from the side of the layout, cool… th
Black Diamond - 2 lines of thought: *Remember-the shortest distance between two points is a straight line (so bend that rail a little and lengthen your run). By placing your buildings between the layout edge and your trains, you create a scenic “view block”; thus breaking up what the eye follows and creating “distance”.
I don’t know how whimsical you wanna be, but you may have hit something on your climbing to upper level with the POLAR EXPRESS theme. Perhaps build a faux pine where your figure 8 is, and spiral (helix) up one loop around the tree. There was a little article in CTT (Dec 07?) on a tight little layout that spiralled twice around the ol’ Christmas tree…food for thought.
I designed my 11’x17’ trackplan last summer. It seemed that everytime, I finalized it, I would put it aside, look at it a few week later and think of something else to add. I came up with a final design, at least five or six times! [:D]
Hope you enjoy whatever design that you decide to build.
I subscribe to the school of thought that you do some work, have some fun, do some more work. I started off by building 10x12’ benchwork. I then set up a temporary layout that I ran about 8 months. I then added a 2’x13’ yard. I’ve run the trains some more and made my track permanent. The next step is to add another 3’x6’ extension to accomodate a turntable and a 1’x12’ section for an additional siding.
BD - I’ve got more than a few Dept 56 buildings, almost all are part of the Halloween village [:)] I like all these ideas and can’t wait to see your revised plan(s)! Having two mainlines is a great idea, even if you only did that on one level. I really like the helix idea for the Polar Express as well. Keep us posted - can’t wait to see what you come up with!
I had to make some revisions to the plan instead of having a 2 ft space between the levels I am going to have to go with a 16 in space between the levels. The reason being is a 2ft rise to the upper level from the lower level is like a 6.25% grade over a 32 ft run. I managed to get it down to a 4.06% grade with a 16 inch rise. I hope 4.06 % grade isnt to much.
I think YOU hit the nail on the head with the helix idea spirling around the tree with The Polar Express. I was thinking helix…from the top to bottom thanks to PhillyReading…he gave me that idea, then u came up with the tree. I dont recieve CTT, I get Model RailRoader instead. Maybe I can look that up though, I think I can look at back issues online.
I have alot of Dept 56 buildings to, I dont think I have any of the halloween ones. Mine are mainly Snow Village and New England Village and North Pole Series they go great with Lionel. I want to get that new one The Polar Palace that would go great with The Polar Express theme. I got alot of the Coke Buildings to. I also need to get “Village Train Depot”.
What is a transfer table? Sounds interesting, does it eat alot of real estate? Yes enjoyment is all part of the hobby if I quit having fun doing it then it becomes work and not a hobby so by all means everyone have fun!!!
The tracks for the storage lines remain in parallel, so it takes up less room than a big circle. In one of the pictures here, they have both a transfer table and a turn table, cool idea if you don’t have room for a reverse loop!
Your space is insane! 16 inches between levels sounds a bit high, you could actually get 3 levels in 16 inches of rise. I went with 7 inches between levels and have a total of three. I worked with Fife in designing my plan as I like watching trains wind their way through the layout and up and over each other. With your plan you could go with a two level main with the transition to the third level off your second. You could have trains running for 10+ minutes on that layout space without the engine reappearing at the starting point.
If I had that space I would attempt to work the track so the trains could traverse the layout in multiple routes. Also, you are wasting a ton of space with those two figure 8s. As for your helix, why not put it on the edge of a mountain? It doesn’t need to be inside the mountain and with it on the outside you would have access if there were a derailment.
The reason for so much space between levels is to provide space for the structures I want to use in the layout (in between levels). How long did it take for you to build your layout? Is it completly done…well I know a layout is never completly done but you know what I mean… all of the layout plans I see are based on wider radius turns then 036 I cant go no wider then 036 it just wont simply fit on a 4x8 sheet of plywood (running length wise). I need to go search the track database for some layouts based on 036 radius turns… I would love to go wider but then there is the problem of getting to it…if the train derails or something…from the way it looks I am going to have to build the top layer first and work my way down…if i have a 4 ft table inbetween me and the wall it would be hard to add a 2nd level…securiung it to the wall… trying to reach a span of 4 ft with a drill…I dunno…[banghead]… Gets frustrating at times…
I would love to have the trains be able to twist and turn their way through the layout taking 10 minutes… from start to end… I agree with you and Fifedog about how it looks to “rigid” that layout is no way set in stone… just something to show yall what kinda space I had to work with and such… I am going to purchase that RRTrack software and tinker with it for awhile…I still got work to do on the building itself so the actul laying down of track is still in the developmental stage of the hobby… I am going to google for layouts based on o36 radius turns…and see what i can find… Thank you for the input… if you got any more ideas be sure to let me know…sorry it took so long to get back to you on this…(reality calls us all back sooner or later)…have a good day!