Have not done anything with the DB150, but I am of the opinion that it certainly won’t hurt to do the OpSw 39 reset. The good news, I do have another 44 pin connector. SOOOO I’m gonna try a couple quick things and see where that takes me.
Hang in there guys. I REALLY REALLY appreciate the help and support trying to get this darn thing to work.
On another note I did get my SE8C hooked up to my signals with the BD4. That sure works nice. And if Sanata Claus brings me a PR3 I’ll be in business to automate this beast.
The PM42 is capable of running trains even when it doesn’t have power (the relays operate in the normally closed position). The relay energizes when there is a short, disconnecting track power. You can still operate with PM42 powered down. Try and see if you get a short when the PM-42 is powered down but still connected to the booster. This may determine if there actually is a short as your booster will trip.
Renegade asked you if you have a Loconet cable connected and, if so, if you are sure it is a data cable and not a telephone cable. I didn’t see an answer.
I know this is really basic, but are you absolutely sure that you have gapped the track in all the correct places and that you have gapped the same rail in all the places you are connected?
I know that sometimes I make an error in the places that I know so well that I didn’t really pay close attention.
Dano, I have a PM42 running successfully on my layout right now. If you want to you could send me yours and I will install it in my layout (a known good configuration) for you and test it to make sure that you are not just chasing your tail. All I ask is return postage. Here is a pic of my setup before I installed it in my layout.
Mine is set up with 3 power districts and one reversing loop.
Yep using a data cable, flat RJ12 is what it is called, as far as track being gapped, it trips before you even connect it to the track so I know it’s not that. But I appreciate the thoughts and ideas
I appreciate that, but before I go to that trouble I’d suggest just matching the wring diagram I provided, it is on page 1 of this thread. Personally I don’t think it’s the board, my hunch is it’s the 44 pin connector, but I won’t know till I do more tests, will start tonight after I finish swaping out a ATLAS switch for a PECO…
Both data and telephone cables are flat and six wires and use the same plug. The difference is telephone is wired pin one to pin six. Data cable is wired pin one to pin one. I just want to sure you understand that.
The Loconet signal is symmetrical and most Digitrax accessories can use either, but I believe that the PMs require data cable all the way from the command station to the PM42.
The wiring you are doing appears to be good but I will double check it when I get home. I for some odd reason cant access Digitrax’s website from my work computers. I believe this issue is with your ground referance at the 44 pin connector. Before I hooked the ground up on my system I had the same issue. Once I fixed the ground it functioned perfectly.
I keep thinking about HAL when reading this post. I think the creepiest thing he said was in 2010 after they powered him back up and he said “I am completely operational and all my circuits are functioning perfectly”.
Yep I gotcha, it’s data cable I have tons of it in my house. But again I appreciate the explanation and the willingness to help. Also the PM42 does not require a Loconet connection at all, actually the only time you need to connect to it is if your going to program it, which you can do by plugging directly into it. But yes it does require a data cable if you were to plug it into a computer interface to program it.
The PM4 and PM42 can operate as a stand alone unit with DC or DCC with out a loco net. The loco net allows you to program the PM42 and it can also provide feedback to computer systems using JMRI.
I found that I can access the new digitrax site so I downloaded the PM42 manual and double checked your wiring. The only thing that is missing is the power for the PM 42 but you state that is connected. Your wiring shows that all should work fine. I would if I were you move the ground from pin B to pin X and see what happens. Also check the 44 pin connector for anything that does not look right were it slides into the PC board. IF this does not work then take the BODs out of the ground and have just the PM42 in the ground directly into the booster. Also remove the plug in the booster to make sure that it does not have a bent pin on the ground. You can also ground the PM42 directly to the case of the DB150 for a ground referance.
Ok guys, well I tried disconnecting the power (PS14) and tried running trains. Well… nothing happened, no track power, almost like the track power wouldn’t pass through the unpowered PM42.
I tried grounding it to the DB150 frame, no luck there still tripped.
Then I had to go do something else and never got back to it so I’ll try again tonight with some of the other experiments.
There is a problem somewhere with the connector then. There should be track power passing through the PM-42 when they are powered down. Our club layout has 5 PM42’s installed and we occasionally have to power them down and we are still able to run trains. If you have a second 44 pin connector i would try using it and test each block as you go. I would start with the ground power and first block. If that works, add the second block. Test. Add the third and so on.
Agree on the grounds. Make sure there is a ground between all of the boosters and command station. This is the same ground that hooks up to the pm-42.
Another problem you might come across is false detection with the BD4’s I see in your earlier diagram. Both the BD1 and BD4’s have a known issue with false detection when using modern high frequency decoders, including sound decoders. They have a fix but it has only been implemented in the BDL168.
A search in the YAHOO digitrax group will find this and answers to most Digitrax issues.
@Renegade: I’m now of the opinion that is where my problem lies
@Hamltnblue: I only have 1 base station/booster whatever you want to call it, also the PM42 does this before you even connect track to it, but I am aware of the BD4 issue (which I personally have not seen happen on my layout, I have 1 BD4 functioning right now). As for the Yahoo Group, yea they suggested I talk directly to Digitrax.
I’m gonna work on the new connector after switching the grounds. Keep your fingers crossed gentlemen. Thanks for all your help!