Poath Archives

I thought I would post a link to poath archives. All kinds of old transportation related old informercials.


could someone activate this for me?


That’s a pretty interesting site - lots of ‘goodies’ and unexpected finds there. For example, the video that’s apparently now on the linked page is titled and described as follows:

Santa Fe RailRoad 1950’s - “PayDay” - Behind the Scenes Freight Train Action

A serious, while often humorous look at what happens if railroad employees don’t do their job correctly. Follow the adventures of a new TV as it suffers all sorts of bad treatment on its journey from manufacturer to the new owner. There’s all sorts of staged mishaps to see - from derailments, heavy shunting, hotboxes and various other problems to ensure the new Motorola Television doesn’t arrive in one piece! [20 mins. 20 secs. long]

Who’d think that a railroad would have ever made a movie with that kind of a premise or plot ?

Thanks for sharing that !

  • Paul North.

I didn’t get to see all of “Payday” because half way thru my screensaver kicked in and wouldn’t let me go back. I did like what I saw of it and intend to finish it later, and look at some of the other offerings too.

Paul, I don’t think this movie was made for the general public. It looks like a motivational movie made for railroad employees. Get them (us) to think about how we handle cars and trains and the consequences of rough or careless handling.

I’m hoping there will be more movies like this one, aimed more for the employees than the public. You can sometimes get a more in depth view of how things were done.
