So I tried coloring poly fiber by spray paint. took a lot of paint and still have white spots. Especially when I fluff it. In trying to figure a better way to paint this stuff, I thought, is it possibly to dye it? More flexible and no white spots. Decided I would ask first before experimenting. At least to get a starting point.
So: is it possible to dye poly fiber? Anybody try it?
I’ve used India ink. Mix,soak, let dry. It may take a while to fully dry. And the ink may come off somewhat if you use isopropyl alcohol later in your scenery work.
I tried spraying some black, and it kind of worked. They do make black poly fiber, it’s just not as common, but if you get a halloween costume with a beard, that seems to be black poly fiber.
The dye mentioned sounds like the best idea. But in order to add some variety I would suggest getting some permanent magic markers in a couple of shades of brown and green (different than the dye) to highlight some of the dyed fiber. I got mine at a Michaels craft store.