Below is the bottom layer of the layout I’m considering on a 17.5 x 9 table.I want coal,lumber, and logging for industry and plan an in -town area also. A rural area as well as an in -town subdivision area is also planned. The outer loops are 0-54 and the interior goes to 0-42. The. track is Gargraves. The plans are not complete. I use RRTrack software and I’m no expert, but I intend to take my time and build something I’ll enjoy! My last layout was 0-31 tubular on a 6x10 table. I’m looking forward to expanding. Thoughts anyone?
Looks like a good start! Nice and big…I would remind you though, that with the single reversing loop, once your trains are running clockwise around this loop the only way to change direction is back the whole train through the loop. I’d try and find a way to get a second reverse loop in there if you can; an elevated second level loop could work if you’re out of space.
Thanks for the response Roland. I can see your point about the loop situation.I have an elevated second level;however, I don’t have it linked to the first-yet! Thanks.
Nice design. I’d be a bit concerned about that S curve in the reversing loop though. Don’t know what size cars/engines you are running but eventually you’ll find one combo that will not like that S. Try to get a straight track in there if possible.
Good point Marxalot. I’m hoping that the 0-42 there will help that situation. I intend to only run the smaller trains on the inner portion of the layout. Thanks.
amos - I have a similar reverse loop in my new CUMBERLAND EXTENSION. The S-curve (which actually ascends) has not been a problem as to date (and I run all types of equipment). I also kinda limited myself (for the time being) with having to turn the entire train, but I gotta tell ya, what at first was a miscalculated design error, has turned into a pleasant switching opportunity…I’m leaving mine in now.
As to your plan, you’ve gotta pretty good crawl to get to your operating “pit”, so I’d move it 3 feet closer to your walkway, for more of a duck under. In the long run, I think this would be better…for your neck and back.
Thanks all. Fife= I will be entering through the front side (has the depots) which is open to the rest of the room so my “crawl” is three feet. The other long side is up against a wall. I’m kinda wondering how and where to place accessories and buildings, but one thing at a time for now…
The track plan is nice; what I really like about the image is the cluttered loose tracks on the “floor” of the viewing area. [:)] Makes it the most realistic track plan I’ve ever seen!
Is 3ft enough width for the control area? I’m not criticizing, just asking for my own info. I’ve been trying to plan a layout myself and want to know if 3’ is a reasonable space. I’ve kicked around the idea of either a 9’ deep layout with the back against the wall and a hole in the middle for access, or a 7.5’ deep with a narrow access aisle between the wall and back of the layout. Even though 7.5’ is smaller, I think not having a hole allows for more track plan options.
Are those pictures of your layout from the RRTrack Software that you have been using? I am kinda confused about the tracks in the middle of the layout that are in the control area… what are they for?
Black D.-Yes the plan is from the RRTrack software. The track in the control area is just my not taking it off before posting the image-it’s just track I had pulled from the menu to use and didn’t. It should have been deleted. I also have two layers above the first, they are just “hidden” because I wanted everyone to get a clear view of this portion. A few clicks of the mouse on my program and the rest appears and can be viewed in 3D. I have 2&1/2 feet on each side and about 13 feet in front. The"control area" is 8x3 so I feel getting around won’t be a problem. I’m not a big guy. I don’t like my tables wider than 5 ft. because of access to trains or accessories. I had 6 ft. wide before and it was a problem for me.
On the outer loop, at the top of the picture, you have a passing siding that is roughly 7’ long. If you’re interested in running long trains, that may not be long enough for one train to pass the next. I think if you were able to extend that siding to the left side of the picture to even the first straight track on the left side, you’d be able to store a lot more train on it. I’m thinking if the inner loop was more like a 45 instead of a hard 90 in that upper left corner, you’d have plenty of room to open that siding up.
Of course, I know nothing of any grades or scenery that may be interfering with the above idea.
JWSE- That’s a good suggestion about the passing siding. I will probably try to do just that. I need more sidings as it is. I also need to learn about block signals so I can wire it the best way. My last lyout was a good bit smaller so I’m looking forward to more options. I 'm going to build this in stages-outer loops 1st so I can get some trains running! Thanks.