Post monitoring?

Are all post now delayed for monitoring, or is it just because I’m considered a new member because I reregistered with a new e-mail address.

If it is temporary, for how long?

Something’s wrong on one end or the other, my post’s and replies pop up immediately. Maybe one of our computer experts can figure this one out.

Posts and replies are monitored, just not immediately. More like spot inspections.

You probably have it correct as it seems like I had that but it only lasted like a day or so.

when all else fails, contact Carl Swanson.

Newly registered folks have their first two or three posts moderated, then they are unmoderated. Since I’m the only CTT moderator, the comments can sit for a bit on weekends.

Even some of us old salty dogs need moderating, if only to keep BK on his toes.


I’m a watchin’ you, Fifester! [8-|]