Posting an Avatar

I hate to do this because the topic has undoubtedly come up 1,000 times before but, for the life of me, I cannot post an avatar under my screen name.

The instructions are awful, of course, but here is what I have already tried.

Created an avatar as a JPG file and set the size to 100x100. Went to Update Profile, clicked on Avatar, checked Yes for Enable Avatar, inserted the link, clicked Save, and I get a box with a red X in it.

Tried loading the avatar from my own computer and from Photobucket. Nothing, nada.

I would give up trying, but now I have become obsessed.



I can’t help you but I’m interested in what the solution ends up being. I tried to post an avatar several times and I always get a message that says “oops… something went wrong”, etc. I finally gave up because it isn’t worth the effort but I’ll be watching to see your outcome.

I have tried to update my profile and add a avatar.No good I keep getting a fix the following mistakes then it doesn’t tell me what they are so I can fix them.

If there is a solution to this problem I hope somebody will post it.

Inserted the link? Is that what you really did? Unlike photos, Avatars must be uploaded, not linked. So, the way I did mine was to hit the Browse button, find the Avatar on my computer and allow it to upload. The Avatar file is stored as part of your profile.

Another thing to try after you upload the Avatar is logging out and logging back in. Sometimes forum software just needs to get its dung together, and the logout-login cycle helps it do that.

File size might be to large. Use a image editing program to reduce file size.

Fellas, you must provide the image file entirely. Unlike the normal and img tags for a file at a web host for the weekend photos and such, the avatar is indeed kept as an integrated file on your profile.

Find a fave photo and reduce it down to about 3.0 K with cropping and/or resizing. Then open your profile, find 'Avatar", and browse to the place where you stored it. Upload it, and then…

SAVE CHANGES…as it says at the bottom.

Note that the new image may appear immediately, or it may take several minutes before you begin to see your avatar.

Don’t like it after all? Too small, to indistinct, too…whatever? Go back and upload something else, SAVE, and wait to see if that is better.


OK, I did exactly what you said. The file is a JPG and the size is 5 KB. After I SAVEd it, I signed off, waited 10 minutes, then logged back in. I get a red X in a box.

Incidentally, Mister Beasley, poor choice of words on my part. I said that I inserted the link, but I could have been more articulate. I hit the BROWSE button and the file name and location was inserted automatically.


Rich, you need to reduce the size of the file down just a bit… 3K Max. Then try it one more time…


I find the easiest way to do an avatar is to let Photobucket do the work.

Upload your picture to photobucket. During the upload process photobucket resizes the picture.

After you upload click on your picture to view it. Then click on download and select web size. save it to your desktop. Then go to your profile and avatar and browse to your pic file on the desktop. Hit update and save. The file size will be correct and you’ll be in business.

Yes, down to 3K, not 5. And I would ensure it is a simple JPEG…just in case you saved is as a TIFF, for example. Not sure what the system prefers these days, but the Peg should be safe.


Photobucket uses Jpegs and I don’t think it recognizes Tiff’s

My current avatar is 93k on disk and worked fine. maybe the website re-sizes when you upload.

“CR&T” filesize was 3.29 kb and 149x54 pixels before => browse + file-upload.

The Forum then resized “CR&T” to 2.09 kb and 100x36 pixels.

I didn’t notice that you can right click on the avatar and view image info. The site did reduce it from 96k to 2.55k.

Wow, just tried again. I browsed to my current avatar which the original showed 1.3 meg. The site reduced it when I uploaded it. So it looks like the only requirement is that it’s a jpg file

This is ridiculous.

I got the JPG file down to 1KB, 20x15, and I still get the red X in the box.

Let me ask you guys something. When you Upload Avatar, then Enable Avatar, then Save, even though it says it may take up to 10 minutes to take effect, do you still see you avatar right away on your Update Profile Screen, or does it show a red X in the box? The red X in the box is all I ever see.

Frustrated Rich

Rich, for some reason the properties of the X’ed avatar show that it doesn’t recognize the file type. I entered your profile and found I had to activate “Enable avatar”, but when I looked at the URL for the file you loaded, it doesn’t look like any URL I have ever seen. Instead, it has a text about enabling an avatar, so what I would suggest is that you open it up again, verify that it took the 'Enable avatar", and delete the gobbledygook in the slot below the Upload slot. Get rid of it. Then browse again in your documents and try to get the image file, but try also to get the 3KB one.

if that doesn’t work, instead of persisting with this, may I suggest you contact customer service (scroll down this page to the horizontal banner with Customer Service in it…) and explain the problem. They should respond soon enough, perhaps with some questions that will alert you to the issue, or at least get you going. They will probably also have someone in IT contact you if you can’t seem to get an avatar uploaded.



I am not sure what you mean by gobbledygook in the slot below the Upload slot.

When I click on Update Profile, and then click on the Avatar tab, below the Upload line, the next line reads: Avatar URL: (Remote avatars disabled)

I don’t see any gobbledygook.


users/avatar.aspx?userid=216351&lastmodified=634099059652355000 is what is in the URL slot when I look, and nothing appears in the avatar option where you browse and upload the image file from your computer. What I show above is not a URL, and I don’t think you really want to go that route if I understand you. You want to upload your own image from your hard drive, so you must browse in the second last line and navigate to the file with the appropriate image size. Double click and the file should appear in text. When you save, it should show up.

At least, that is how it works for me…


I finally did it !!!

See my recent post titled, HOW TO POST AN AVATAR


Something is fishy in Denmark. This isn’t rocket science but it is apparently some flaky software issues. I’ve tried many times now and always get the same message which states:

Oops something went wrong!

Either the site is offline or an unhandled error occurred. We apologize and have logged the error. Please try your request again or if you know who your site administrator is let them know too.

It’s not that big of a deal and enough time has already been wasted as far as I’m concerned. Enjoy your success Rich. [bow]