I’m sorry to take up your time,but I just don’t get it. I am not computer literate,I’m a senior citizen (I can just use my e-mail,get on the internet and not much else)
I’m using a MacOX,my mouse does’nt have a right or left click.I can get my digital photos on to iphoto but then what?
usually you can do a “Cut and Paste”…with your mouse, left click and drag the mouse to highlight the address where your pictures are stored, right click and click “cut” or “copy”…now close the window and go to any MR forum “quick reply” section at the bottom any forum topic …right click again within the quick reply box and click “paste”… the IP address in the box should show up…it should come up in a blue color and when you click it …it will take anyone to where your pictures are stored…if you don’t have a right or left click mouse…well…i can’t help you there…Chuck
Don’t be sorry! We are all idiots when it comes to one thing or another. Though your mouse does not have a right or left button, there is always another way to make your computer do what has to be done. This may be done through one of your “F” keys etc.
If you are unable to locate this ability in your manual you can either call the retailer who sold you the computer or go to Mac directly.
To post pictures you will have to find a server such as Railimages or make your own webpage through other means and store your pictures there.
Once stored you will need to know the properties (address) of the image. This is done by right clicking on the picture that is stored on your “web page” then scrolling down to “properties”. Right click on “proporties” and “copy” the address.
Go back to the page on MR that you want to post a picture and type a [ before the IMG then enclose the IMG with a ]. at the end of the photo’s address type a [ / before the IMG then enclose the IMG with a ].
There is another way to go about this but that would require you track down some poor unsuspecting teenager, then sit him/her in front of the computer. Though aggrivating at times they do come in handy! And yes they are extremely adept and knowledgable when it comes to computers.
fergie…the img thingy doesn’t work on here…i’ve tried it several times and for some reason it just doesn’t work…I’ve even tried the a href= and it doesn’t work either…just have to go to properties and cut and paste or just cut and paste at the address…chuck
Hmmmm, that’s strange as the IMG protocol as posted in the Forum Code is all I use.
I wonder if this is a function of you Internet provider?