Posting pics

Can someone tell me how they post pics? At the bottom of the post list there is a button that is 'options" once there it says I cannot add attachments or create polls. It also does not put me in the list of members viewing, It may be calling me a guest, although I am a member. Does this have anything to do with the fact that I am not a sucriber to MR yet. Help Please. Mike


I post from photobucket and copy/paste from the bottom (img) line into the post box seems to do the trick.

Looks like you have to hard type the [ img ] [ /img ] code before and after the url.

It works, I have been sucking up bandwidth in a couple post.[swg]

This does not work for me. When I go to Photobucket, hightlight the bottom line, click ‘‘copy’’ then go back to the forums and right click I do not get a paste button. In the “options” area it says I cannot post attachments. Any reason why? I guess Burgee didn’t like my pics so he will not let me post any more. Mike

I have been doing exactly what you are trying to do with no problems…are you sure you can’t find the “paste” option??

Al I get is;
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When you click on "options’ at the bottom of the forum does it say that you cannot add attachments? Are you a MR subscriber? Thanks for responding Mike

This is strange. When I right click on a open line I get: Back, Select All, Paste, Create Shortcut, Add to favorites, View Source, Encoding, Print, Properties.

So I copy the Img link from photobucket then find an open line, right click and get this:

I even tried to post pics from my laptop and got the same thing. Do you have that at the bottom saying you cannot add attachments? Thanks for trying to help me. Mike

i same thing mike gets , no paste . i’m using forefox , dunno if that’s an issue

using Ctrl V pastes like normal

Hey Mike, forgot about the Ctrl V. That may work instead of the right click. I am using IE 6.0 so that make be the other difference.

I also use firefox I’ll try the ‘‘control v’’ thing

OKAY!!! this seems to work. This a pic of Bigfoot at his cave. Thanks for all your help!!! I will dance at your wedding. Mike

These are my fleet ot red hoppers for Fillmore Concrete.

I too do not seem to be able to post photos here. I have tried to type in the [ img ], [ /img] which was usually the way i added them anyway and it just shows < img The url of the photo /img> and has no photo. I tried to do a Command v (which is the same as option v on the pc - I use a Mac) and it does the same thing… Like this:


Any ideas???

edit: Aha! They have it working. Must have been a bug in their software as it now works. [:D]

Still blows not having a simple image icon to use…
If I take this

to get a pic I have to type in [ img] yadda yadda [ /img] like this, what do I get?

But I SHOULD NOT have to HAND TYPE this crap in…sheesh! its 2006!!!

Not 1986!

Let me try it. Says I can’t add either.

Wadda know, it works!

Sounds like there might be some confusion about the “no attachments” rule.

The comment at the bottom of the screen that says you can’t include attachments does not refer to linking pictures from Photobucket or other websites. You’ve never been able to include actual attachments in the forum, not even the old version of the forum - that’s why we all have to get Photobucket accounts in order to “insert” pictures into text in the forum.

What the “no attachments” thing means is that you can’t attach a file like you can with your e-mail program. i.e. you can’t upload a file from your computer directly to the forum.

As for manually typing [ img ] and [ / img ] before & after image links, I personally don’t think it’s a big deal. As with the bold, italic, and underline commands, I actually find it easier to simply type it in by hand anyway rather than going through the extra motions of switching between typing and mouse clicking (even though I do use the mouse to cut and paste the hyperlink). The only exception to the “typing convenience rule” is when I use smileys, because I can never remember what to type for which smiley (which is one of my gripes about this new system - the pictures of the smileys are not on the pull down menu!) Just my [2c] (I think I typed that one right).

OK! Silly me, if I had remembered my schoolin’ I could have figured it out. However, that doesn’t explain why there’s not a simpler way to add a photo.

The simple answer is: The MR forum does not host or store images. That’s about it. If you use Photobucket to store your photos, each and everyone will have below it the URL and the URL WITH THE IMG TAGS AT EACH END!

Put your cursor within the IMG line and copy it. Paste this into your MR forum message. Simple as that!

When the forum software sees the IMG tag, it knows to go to the outside site (Photobucket or whichever) to get the image. The image is only displayed when someone views the message, it is not taking up space on MR’s server.

Clear as mud?

Bob Boudreau

I’m going to try