Posting pictures from a Galaxy S3 HELP please

I would love to participate in this forum with photos of my modeling, but am totally frustrated at the difficulty of posting pictures. Unfortunately, at this time I only have a Samsung Galaxy S 3 to use. I want to make it clear, I’m not blaming this forum. I believe the problem lies with Photobucket. Is there anyone that uses the same phone with success? If so, can you tell me how you accomplish this? Thank you.

I used to have a S 3. What I did was plug the phone into a USB port on a laptop. Open a window on the laptop and move over the image (s) to the laptop.

From there it was a typical upload to the bucket.

What issue are you having?

Does this mean this is your only electronic device, as in you do not have a computer/laptop?

Yes, no computer, desktop or laptop.

The problem is when I try to copy the link at the sharing site. I hi light the link, but it won’t let me copy it.

I switched to Flickr, now I can copy the link, but it won’t let me paste it on the line for the link! I’ve literally spent hours trying to post a picture. It’s infuriating!

Unfortunately I can’t help as I am no longer an Android-based phone user anymore. I had a Motorola Droid for a number of years and I was always a little frustrated with the idiosyncracies of the Android operating system. When it was time for a new phone, I decided to drink the Kool-Aid and get an iPhone. My phone frustration has been dramatically reduced.

If I understand You correctly…You say that You can copy the IMG. link on Flickr…but You can’t paste it on the site. If You are using the insert url MR link icon…do not use any of the insert link icon’s on the MR site…just copy your img. and paste on line, click enter, Url should show on line, when done typing, when You press Submit Your reply, Your img/pic should show. Try that and see if it will work for You. Works always for me with Photobucket…I do not use the MR ICON LINKS AT ALL.

Good Luck! [:D]


See below editing in S3 seems to create another post

Okay so I am on a Galaxy S3 but normally I post pictures from my photobucket account via pc. On the S3 photobucket mobile doesn’t display properly so I had to click on the full site. That doesn’t display properly either.


edit: it took 3 trys but as you can see i did post a pic

Up in CT, what did you do exactly, step by step please.

Success!, sort of.

Hi Tim,

This what i did in photobucket. I selected the full pic i want to use . I then copy the DIRECT image tag. Then in my post, there is a little insert Image icon. I clicked on that icon and copied the DIRECT image tag from photobucket into the top line of the dialog box and then clicked on the blue go icon at bottom of box. You should then see the pic in the post compositing tool before you post

Good luck Derek