postwar 1666 smoke generating unit

I have a 1946-47 Lionel 1666 in excellent original condition. It originally belonged to my uncle. Unfortunately, my grandfather removed the smoke generating unit and headlight unit (presumably due to failure at some point) 30 or 40 years ago. My grandfather has since passed away so I am unable to ask him which type of smoke unit this locomotive used.

All of the books I’ve checked and even an article on this website state that Lionel’s first smoke units in '46 were the first generation amonium nitrate “smoke pellet” variety, with the second generation smoke unit (using the improved smoke pellets) being introduced around '48-'49 or so. The problem is that the smoke stack on my 1666 has only a very small hole entering the boiler…the kind you would find on an engine using luquid smoke. My mother and my uncle also both remember this engine using the liquid.

Did Lionel use the liquid in 1946-47, or just the smoke pellets? If they didn’t use the liquid, then why is there only a small hole in my smoke stack (far too small for pellets)? NOTE: there is still 60 year old smoke residue in the smoke stack and inside the boiler, so I know it smoked at some point!

Any ideas on finding a smoke unit (and a light unit) to restore this steamer back to its smoking glory? I haven’t had much luck at the normal parts sites.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!


Hi Jeff,

Lionel did make a liquid smoke fluid in the postwar years. However, I believe it did not come out until the late fifties. I believe it was used in the 746. The fluid was labled as #909. I have a 239 scout from 1965 that has the liquid smoke unit.

As far as I know, the 1666 did not come with a smoke unit in either 1946 or 1947. My guess is that a liquid smoke unit was added to your engine some years later.

I am not sure if there is enough room in your engine to install a current Lionel smoke fluid unit in it. You my want to talk to a local Lionel Service Station. They can probably recommend a unit that will fit.


Tim Pignatari

Thanks Tim! You’re right, the first wide spread use of liquid smoke by Lionel was in 1957 and it was used on the 746 first.

I am pretty sure the 1666 did come with smoke in '46, but I have yet to find definitive proof. That’s what I’m looking for now. Ultimately I just want to know what it came with originally out of interest, but it would also help in the decision to retrofit it with another type of unit.

thanks again,

Hi Jeff,

According to the postwar Greenberg Guide book and the Lionel catalog from 1946 the no. 1666 didn’t come originally equipped with smoke.

Neil Besougloff
editor, Classic Toy Trains

Thanks Neil. That’s exactly the lead I was after. If I can impose with a follow up?..does that mean the early 1946 1666 didn’t come with a headlight either? Or it did come with a light, just no smoke?



As far as I can tell all the 1666s had lights, just no smoke. By the late prewar years working headlights were standard equipment on even the least expensive Lionel and Flyer locomotives.



Thanks for the information, I appreciate it.


Sorry to come late to the party but: Hello Jeff, I have 2 1666es; one is pre war or very close to because the 1666 is on a plate rather than
rubber stamped. The tender coupler is of the pre war type T1. Both of them have lights; one is a screw based bulb mounted to the pilot trucks that is the older of the 2 and
the later purchased xmass of 47 is a bayonet bulb attachded to a plate on the pilot trucks. Greenberg
lists the number as 2026-17. The Greenberg Repair & Operating Manual suggests that the parts for the
2026 are intrechangeable. The lens is listed as a 1666e-20. It is as small cylinder that slides into the
front boiler plate. The 1666 was never a smoker. The more expensive smoking locmotives were just coming into production around the end of this locomotive’s production life. A lot of the 1666 parts are found on other locos. See how do I find parts article on the main site. I’ve used Dr. Tinker and have gotten pretty much everything I needed. I got mine on my first Christmas 1947; it still runs. What a great toy.

H’m! Interesting. I’d like to add smoke to my 1666 as well; does anyone know what size Seuthe smoke unit would fit? Thanks! Mitch