I’m new to the Forum (not to trains) and have just been reading and learning a lot. I need some info about my tender whistle operation. I’m operating 2 PostWar Lionel O gauge trains with a KW transformer on separate loops. When I use the whistle lever the train slows almost to a stop and whistle barely sounds. When I release it the train resumes normal speed. If I put train in “neutral” and use the whistle, it sounds off normally. I seem to be getting even voltage with 3 feeds on the entire loop because my train speed stays pretty constant all around. How can I get the whistle to sound while train is moving? Is there another problem?
[#welcome] I think either your track or your wheels and pickup rollers on the tender might be dirty. If its not that, you may need to clean your whistle motor and lubricate it.
Welcome to the forum. Lots of good people here that knowlageable, and happy to help.
I’d start by inspecting the wiring and whistle motor in the tender. Is is clean, rotating freely, oiled, no thin spots in the wiring that might be shorting?
Your transformer is not working properly. There are two positions to the whistle control switch. In the first position, the switch adds some DC voltage to the normal AC that powers the train. This DC voltage operates the whistle relay in the tender so the whistle motor is powered. The second position adds more AC power to the normal AC power to increase the voltage on the track so that the engine and whistle motor have enough power. If you only move the whistle part way, you only get the first position, and the train will slow down. There are no detents or other indication of the two positions.
If moving the whistle control all the way doesn’t work, then you have a problem inside the transformer.
Thanks for the advice guys. I had already checked wiring and cleaned contacts. Bruce - it looks like you hit the bulls eye. I checked my plastic whistle handle on my KW and sure enough - it had a crack in it and wasn’t turning the handle all the way to make the second contact you mentioned. When I used a plier to turn it all the way, it works fine. So I’ll just get a new handle. Thanks for the help.