Potential Talgo equipment sale price revealed

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Potential Talgo equipment sale price revealed

Wisconsin continues its long and proud tradition of progressive government in having no interest in urban mass transit rail service (Milwaukee being alone among large metro areas in having none) or extending service frequency (Milw-Chicago “Hiawatha” trains often standing room) or adding “new” routes (Milw-Racine-Kenosha-Chicago on the old CNW) and even turning down, as everyone knows, over a billion $$ to restore Milw-Madison service. Now that’s progress!

How and where would they be serviced? Jackson sounds good to me. They would be dedicated trains sets for sure - they do not fit anything anybody else has . are there parts available?

I hope that Michigan successfully buys these trainsets, but I’m not sure the Wolverine service would be their most effective deployment. They could reduce schedule times on curved trackage, but I don’t think that route has enough for them to make a significant dent in what will be 110-mph trackage (not being totally familiar with the eastern portion of the line, I could be mistaken).

They might be a better fit on the Chicago-Grand Rapids service, which now uses Superliners. Free up those cars, double the frequency (allowing a round trip in either direction), tighten up the schedule a little, and watch that service fill those cars right up!

They would be big train sets for the Michigan Services…12 vs 6 cars in one set

Michigan needs to look carefully. Had the

The TALGO sets would be a real boost to improving and increasing Michigan service – bring 'em on!

I assume you were sarcastic in your post, Mr. Larson. I would say that Governor Scott Walker is, indeed, a regressive.

Would be nice to finally see these trains find a home (and some happy passengers).

Congratulations to Michigan. Our loss. Now all we have to do in Wisconsin is get rid of our idiotic and good for nothing (^&%&*) Scottie Walker.

This will be interesting to watch! Talgo may get the last laugh here.

Jack Stryker - the cars are short, only 43 feet long, so 12 Talgo cars ~ 6 conventional

Alas, mass transit in Wisconsin has become a political football, with the Republican party and leadership regarding it as a Nineteenth Century idea. It would seem that the majority of Wisconsin’s politicians have been captured by the road building lobby and it will take a miracle (or more enlighten political leadership in Madison) to pry Wisconsinites out of their privately own automobiles and onto trains. Passenger train service CAN work in Wisconsin. The Milwaukee-Chicago Hiawatha service has proven that. Oh for the days of Tommy Thompson!

What’s the latest regarding the lawsuit of Talgo vs. the State of Confusion, I mean Wisconsin.

Mel Miller. What happened to MO?

This equipment will struggle in winter operations. The trains belong in a warmer climate.