Ok, bear with me. Today was one of those days it showed I was a true model railroader. Also, I am not sure how may people know of this all ready, or how common, but I thought of you guys.
I admit, I do not do the powder thing, but I was thinking “how perfect!”
So my wife and I head off to do lunch at the local mall, and after, she wanted to go in and do some shopping. Sure I said, lets go. She wanted ot hit the new make-up store and look around. I do not know how many times she came with me to my LHS store with me, so I didnt even bat an eye. “Let’s go Honey”
While I she bounced around she let me go wander. She knew it was bad enough for me being there, she wasnt goign to hold me to stickign by her side. She let me wander in allowed me to entertain myself. I had no idea how many lotions now have fruit in them.
So, while walking up and down the display, I stumbled into a a large section that had make-up brushes. I first I thought of painting, but nah… too much, not worth it. Then, it hit me. Powders! Granted they wer a bit much, at the mall and all, but the possiblities. Huge face brushes, fan brushes, detail type brushes of every shape and size. The face brushes along would wipe 1/3 of a car at a time. Makeing for a even application. Andbest of all, they are designed for powders!
If you havent thought of it, I would hit up the local make up place and check out the brushes. If you do it right, you can earn bonus points with the spouse cause you went to the store with her [:D]
It also hit me how much of a model railroader I have become…
Ohhh Goodie!!![:D]
I am Soooooooooooo happy to see I’m not the only one this has happened too!!
Saturday , while killing time at the local Dollar General, I got “lost” in the make up aisle myself, looking at the large soft brushes, when my Sweetie walked up to me with a concerned look on her face, thinking maybe I was going to switch sides on her. I held up a brush and said" hey, this would be great for weathering chalks!"
Nuff said![:D]
Keep us posted on the outcome of the makeup brushes used with powder weathering techniques. I bet there are a few used make up brushes out there that could be recycled into weathering brushes!
Not only are the brushes a good deal, some of the makeups are also. I stole my wife’s to weather some boxcars I have. I was so proud of what I had done that I brought the cars in the house to show when I was so rudely told that I had used some $20.00 worth of makeup. Be careful how you steal the stuff and lie when it comes up missing.
I’ve been advocating the use of makeup brushes for a couple of years now. They’re plenty cheap at the Dollar Tree and Wal-Mart. The sponge makeup applicators work real well, too. They’re a little stiffer so you can work the chalks into the surface with a little pressure. Just don’t let any of your buds catch you buying them unless they’re modelers, too.
My wife gets these " free " gifts at the makeup counters. She always gives me the makeup brushes that come in those sets. The ones she buys for her own use are better , she says. So I have a lifetime supply of brushes. [:I]
I picked up a large makeup brush at a local flea market some time ago, not knowing what it was. I use it to bru***he dust off my models, seems to work great as it it really soft.
I found makup application pads that work well for applying weathering powders. They are short and have a tip of sponge rubber. Weathering powders have to be rubbed on to activate the built in adhesive, and these seem to work fairly well. They don’t last all that long, as sharp edges on the model tears the sponge rubber. I can usually get a model done with a few of them.
I’ve found them in multiple packages at local dollar stores.
Well, I am happy to hear she is understanding. Otherwise, if she figured out you used her make-up, which she thinks makes her looks beautiful, to makes your freigth cars ugly, beaten and worn… well, you are either lucky or have ones made of brass my freind[:D]