Power Contests

Recently I was watching a TRAINS video clip from a movie where 2 steam locomotives had a pulling contest (but because of the risk of a broken knuckle, they were really pushing contests) I was wondering if they had anything like these with diesels or other steam locomotives?
I realize they probably didn’t happen recently but maybe in the 70’s or 80’s? Thanks for your help.

I haven’t heard of anything. But I know the “good ol’ days” of railroad demonstrations are long gone. How about a celebration that included crashing 2 steam locomotives together at decent rates of speed. I know it happened in Aurora, IL around or before 1900 (I think it was at the old driving park). I think a lot of places actually did this with old 4-4-0’s and such.

I know I got looked down upon at a club layout for racing a Mantua 0-6-0 against an Athearn (or some other newer brand) Dash 9. Was it prototypical? Ha! I must have had the 0-6-0 cranked up to 110 scale mph or so. Was it fun? Yup.

Denver, CO

Yes, in the old days there were organized events held all over that featured “cornfield meets” with retired steamers. These events would draw big crowds. I wish I could have seen this in person. I think it would be BIG FUN to watch.

I remember reading about a “tug o war” between a electric loco (Milwakee Road I think) and a big steamer (I don’t know what kind, just that it was one of the biggest of the day) sometime after the turn of the century. I think it was a demonstration promoting electric locos. I belive it was backed by Westinghouse.
Anyway, the way it went was like this. The steam engine started first. As the speed climbed up to 4-5 MPH the electric started to notch up. Then the steamer applyed more and more power, and the electric would match it. When the steamer got right up on the threshold of adheasion, the electric still had pleanty of throttle and traction. The electric easily dragged the steamer back to where they started and beyond. Everything the steamer had was not nearly enough to match the electric in tractive effort. One of the amazing things about it was the electric performed this feat almost silently. This made a big impression on the crowd. And I’m sure it did a lot to sell the power of electrics.
To sum it up the electric could easily move the steamer around at will, no matter what fight she put up.