Power plants demand more coal shipments to bolster dwindling stockpiles

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Power plants demand more coal shipments to bolster dwindling stockpiles

Great work by Carl, Thomas, and John. Gentlemen, you only hit the submit button once, period. Patience is an adult virtue.

Once again the following point needs to be kept in mind: the capacity issues will only increase in the future. Needed, besides more track, rolling stock, locos, and crew are the RRs of the past reconstituted in some innovative fashion. Otherwise, the unholy spectre of ICC type reregulation and/or anti-trust efforts by the Justice Dept. loom.

I thought we were done with fossil fuels. All those who rely on sunshine and wind should be cheering in the streets that the coal isn’t coming.

I thought we were done with fossil fuels. All those who rely on sunshine and wind should be cheering in the streets that the coal isn’t coming.

I thought we were done with fossil fuels. All those who rely on sunshine and wind should be cheering in the streets that the coal isn’t coming.

I thought we were done with fossil fuels. All those who rely on sunshine and wind should be cheering in the streets that the coal isn’t coming.

I thought we were done with fossil fuels. All those who rely on sunshine and wind should be cheering in the streets that the coal isn’t coming.

I thought we were done with fossil fuels. All those who rely on sunshine and wind should be cheering in the streets that the coal isn’t coming.

The mighty BNSF in capacity trouble again. Didn’t they have this trouble last winter with oil shipments. Between the oil and the grain shippers being mad at the them, throw in the caol shippers too. Looks like it’s going to be another long winter for them again.

Richard Hunn, here are some help wanted ads from BNSF, Aug 7
BNSF is #hiring signal apprentices in Colorado, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota. Apply today at http://bit.ly/PqM7cQ
Aug 7
Find a rewarding career at BNSF as a conductor in #Hastings, #Nebraska! Apply today at http://bit.ly/PqM7cQ
Which of these do you consider to be a branch line in Anchorage?

To deliver coal? I think not with this President.

To deliver coal? I think not with this President.

To deliver coal? I think not with this President.

I would like to see the proof of stockpile issues of coal receivers. In my dealings with them they are very much the “boy who cried wolf”.

Next the farmers will complain about all the coal trains when the grain gets stuck in the elevators.

perhaps an executive order is needed?

Demand is hell when capacity was killed three decades ago.

Are these the same coal customers that complained about high freight rates? Nowadays u pay for good service. Haven’t heard premium service customers complain yet

I’d tend to cut BNSF some slack. I daresay that the powers that be are trying to balance the demands of various classes of customers and are not always successful. Heaven knows, none of us is perfect.