Power Substations

I’m modeling a freelance east coast line in 1942. I was thinking of adding the Walthers Industrial Substation to one of my industries. Have electical substations changed much?

Thanks for any info.

Some published plans that may help you juggle prototypes–

Spanish style substation of 1920s, Southern California Edison Co., photos, plans Model Railroader July1975 p.43

Substation based on 1926 prototype. Photos, plan, model, details Model Railroader_ Sept81 p.62

electric substation in Inglewood Cal 1957 Warbonnet 2Q-2007 p.28 in 2007 p.33

You might try going to the Library of Congress online at www.loc.gov/ American Memory/ Architecture, Landscape /“Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record”. Then search for the type mof industry in which you are interested. You will come up with a list of dozens of buildings built at different periods and measured, photographed, documented mostly during the depression. For each building or complex, there are photos, scale drawings etc. available on line.