I am helping my young son get his Smokey Hollow Junction layout up and running (trying). The track plan calls for power to three locations and shows insulators at three locations. It is basically two big loops with sections that allow a train to go from loop to loop and back again. One of the sections that jumps loops is powered separately.
We will be using tow transformers. It is clear to see that attaching a transformer to each of the two big loops will allow trains to run on each loop. But I don’t know how to power the third, connecting section, if I need to use a toggle or just what should be done. And, I’m not really sure of its use.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the track plan. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 are insulators. Letters A, B, and C are power connections. I am wondering what to do with, how to, power C.