Pre War Tin Plate Polish Or Wax

Hello Everyone,

Does anyone know what the owners of prewar tinplate engines and trains use to polish these trains, especially before they put them up for auction?

What ever product they use, puts a glass like shine on these trains, even when the paint finish becomes dull over all these years.

Any suggestions will greatly be appreciated.



I’ve used Howards ‘Feed-n-Wax’ with good results. Most auto polish is too much for minature trains, plus the chalky residue is hard to get out of the nooks and crannies.


CJ Meyers
Member TCA

Thanks for the info. CJ, I have heard about this Howard Feed and Wax from someone else on the internet. I have also heard that Pledge might be good.

Can you tell me where I would purchase the Howards Feed and Wax?

Thank You,


If you do a serch on the internet it should come up especially there web site and they should have a list of places that carry it it may ask for your zip code to help find it in your area

Did it, found it, got it.

