I have two pre war uncataloged DSS sets. I’ve had these sets for about 25 years. Both sets came from the same person along with the set box #6517EX and the loco, tender and car boxes. Both sets have 610 and 612 passenger cars, one set blue/silver, and one set red/silver. Both sets have 262E black locos and 265T tenders. Both 262E locos are different from each other, one has a 262E boiler and boiler front with a 249E motor, narrow nickel rims, and brass 262E number boards, the other 262E loco has a 249E boiler and boiler front with a 249E motor, wide nickel rims, and nickel 262E number boards. Would any one out there own one of these sets, or have information about which set came in the 6517EX box and with what color cars, and which loco? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
[#welcome] Frank,
One of your 262E locomotives sounds like it was cannibalized(parts taken off) and put back together with on hand parts from a 249E[2c] I am not a Lionel pre war expert, anyway a 249E is gray in color, as my 249E is gray and part of a freight set.
If you are using Greenberg’s price guides one word of caution; it does not list every possible combination for pre war Lionel. I have a 249E with a 2225T tender, this isn’t listed in Greenberg’s & I know it is an original set as my dad wasn’t into buying extra stuff for his pre war trains, money was very tight!
Lee F.
Thanks for the input. However I do believe that these locos are both as manufactured by Lionel for their DSS Sets (Department Store Specials), and boxed for Department Stores as uncataloged sets due to the Fair Trade Act. Many sets were produced for Gimbel’s, Macy’s, Miller Hardware, and many more just to name a few. Dave McEntarfer’s book lists two sets, one set mentioning a 262E with a 249E Boiler front (which I have), but does not mention which set had the Blue/Silver cars. That’s my Problem. Which cars goes into the 6517EX set box, Blue/Silver or Red/Silver. Also for your information, In the TCA “LIONEL STANDARD OF THE WORLD” book, second edition, page 119 are several sets listed with Black 249E locos. Thanks again for your input and the search goes on.
Lots of things are possible for older Lionel sets and sometimes it is very difficult to know as Lionel didn’t keep good records of uncataloged sets sold to department stores. Even Greenberg’s guides don’t cover all the possibilities.
Maybe a guy on here envfocus can help you, he found out that my 2225T tender was a common offered tender with a 249E and Greenberg’s guide don’t list the 2225T tender as a possible tender for the 249E. Mistakes are very likely to be made as these sets go back over 65 years in time, records can be lost.
Lee F.
Haven’t heard any more about my sets but here is some info for you. Your 249E/2265T in gunmetal is listed on page 165 in the TCA “LIONEL STANDARD OF THE WORLD” book, second edition, as a freight set #6631EX and sold in 1939 by Quakenbush Hardware in Patterson, NJ. The cars listed are 2660, 2620,2653, 3659, and 2657. Thought you might find it interesting.
Thanks for the input but you got the set with two wrong car numbers, the 2660 & 2620 are NOT in the set, and the tender is # 2225T it is stamped as such on the bottom of the tender, NOT 2265T. Also this set could have been sold in southeastern PA near Reading to Hamburg or Allenton, not sure where the set was purchased but my dad lived near Leesport PA for many years.
Lee F.
Sorry about the typo. It is 2225T and 2620 as you mentioned. Could be the 2620 got lost over the years. The location or sale of the set could have been in PA., as lionel sold uncataloged sets to many different stores. Just thought I could help you ID your set.
I don’t remember this set ever having more than the two frieght cars & caboose that are with it now. I bought an extra 3559 dump car at a train show to go with it, thought the train needed another car.
Lee F.