Pretty decent "mortar" for plastic brick structures.

I was messing around in the basement today and found a easy way to detail the mortar lines in my plastic kits. First, a coat of flat red Rustoleum primer. This really has the look of brick once the rest of the process is done, trust me. As for the “mortar”, I mixed up about three tablespoons of talcum powder (baby powder), and took my brown and black weathering chalks, and with a knife, shaved-off about 1/8 teaspoon each into a glass jar. After shaking the dry mixture well I added about a quarter cup of rubbing alcohol and mixed all that up good.

Now, apply a generous coat of said mixture to the primered panels before assembly. Let them air dry for a few minutes (that’s why I used alcohol, water can be used, but will take much longer to dry). After all is dry, take a soft, dry brush, and gently brush off the excess residue from the “face” of the “bricks”. After doing that, you will see a perfect mortar pattern. Now, to add some more character, go back to your weathering chalks and add a few highlights here and there. Follow it all up with a light spray of “Dull-coat”.

3rd rail.

Sounds cool! Previously I had used spackling compound with a little tint. Works pretty good.


I’ll give anything a try once. This sounds as good a method as any I’ve seen. I’ve tried brushing talcum on dry and then sealing it with dull coat but it never held in place. I’ve used red primer paints from both Loew’s and Home Depot but always thought they came out too red so I always brush painted a brown or red/brown acrylic over them. I’ll see if your method eliminates the need to do it. I’m also toying with the idea of using coffee to weather structures. We all know how coffee can stain just about anything and most of us pour some of it out every day so why not put it to good use. I’ll post the results later.