Pretty much the end of Train Shows for the foreseeable future due to Covid 19.

Unfortunately Train Shows bring too many people together from wide areas and easily exceed 250 participants. I expect many if not all will cease for a period of time. Even clubs may have to cease meetings. I hope this will end soon and we can again meet with long time friends. I really really hope I am wrong. Hielsie

I can manage without shows for awhile. I would rather let this stuff clear out and be done with before getting into large groups of people. Its bad enough working in a large factory in the states right now that puts profits/production numbers above our safety despite what their press releases state. I have enough trains here and on their way from online purchases to keep me busy should we as a country end up on lock down like Italy is right now. Mike the Aspie

Lady Firestorm was on the phone with her brother “Big B” the N-gauger last night, and there is (was?) a show sheduled for this weekend up in New Jersey “B’s” club was going to attend. The show organizer can’t make up his mind as to whether it’s still on or not, which annoys “Big B” no end. He can’t stand the guy anyway, which doesn’t help. Although, I’ve been to one of his shows, and it was pretty good!

Yeah, I can live without shows for a while, but dammit, all this panic over what in reality is nothing more than a heavy-duty version of the common cold (I have it on GOOD authority. Not some Internet trope.) is really making me sicker than coronavirus can.

Even churches are closing here.

Many stores are even shutting down locally, its gonna get worse before it gets better. Time to enjoy the trains we have or finish up projects you have on hand that have been on the back burner. Stay safe everybody. Mike the Aspie

Geez, I’m going to miss the people watching. They are even more “interesting” than gun show people…

I don’t know man, I’ve seen some really interesting people at gun shows. Harmless actually, but interesting.

At least we don’t have to worry about wild shots or police raids at train shows. [:-^]

Although I’ve been told if you want to see some really interesting people try a knife show. [%-)]

Should we end up on a “lock down” of sorts, the police call reports or scanner listening should get better the longer things go on and cabin fever sets in…just sayin! Lets hope to a quick and healthy end to this mess.

As of NOW York is still on BUT it may change According to the website a final anouncement is coming begining of April

our church is for the next two weeks, and schools for three

Plus all bars and restaurants in Ohio will close at 9pm sunday. Pick-up and take out are OK but no dine-in.

The BARS? I hope the liquor stores are staying open! [:'(]

Pennsylvania’s liquor stores will close on Tuesday.

Oh that’s real smart. And what are people supposed to do for, ahem, “cold medicine?” [^o)]

I don’t know, our governor here in Virginia is a doctor himself, and he’s not pushing any panic buttons, as a matter of fact it seems he’s bending over backwards NOT to. He’s leaving it up to localities to deal with as they see fit.

Hubby belongs to the local Lionel club. This time of year they have weekend run dates. These are all closed until further notice.

In Wisconsin, bars, restaurants (except drive through), churches, gyms, pretty much any social place is closed. Even places like Target and Costco are reducing their hours.

We’re living in strange times. Thankfully we have hobbies, right!

Lucky are we who with model trains have fun things to do while on lock down. My employer(FCA)finaly shut down operations prior to my shift tonight. Time to enjoy what I have at home, relax and try to stay healthy. I naturally self isolate due to being on the autism spectrum. I prefer to be alone or not close to others pretty much all the time. Stay safe everybody and enjoy your hobbies! Mike the Aspie

You can still buy beer and wine in the grocery stores in PA as far as I know.

Not the strongest “cold medicine” around but I guess it’ll have to do.

Realistically, the end of the “train show season” is upon us.

At this point, the next train show local to me is Edison in August. Spring time gets most people outta da house and into the outside world after a long winter’s nap.

So, for now, I’m not gonna sweat it. If I need a train show, I’ll run up in the Train Attic and open a couple of water proof cases I have on the back wall and see what I forgot I had…

My train club is still planning on holding their July show, at this time anyway. Hopefully all this sturm und drang will be over with by then.

And Rene’s right, good thing we have hobbies. When all else fails we can head to our layouts, our own little worlds where everything make sense.

Most of the time anyway. [;)]