How are things around the office? Is anyone/everyone working from home?
Wife, yes…busy season for her…
Me, in office every day, writing reports & invoicing,
Daughter, 23(2nd year grad student), indefinite layoff(paid college internship to restart as soon as in-person academic counseling restarts),
Son, 21, college senior, working full-time(making more than I) from home in his college internship that went from part-time to full-time as he is in an IT internship(despite being a history major) supporting 180 employees working from home.
Quite commone and utterly counter-productive. It forces more people into the same space at one time, increasing contact and reducing social distance. But never let logic interfere with a good panic. . . .[*-)]
You might think so, but it’s really to give the store employees a breather to get the shelves, freezers, and bins restocked without interferance from the panic buyers.
And there’s no reason for panic buying anyway, there’s nothing wrong with the supply chain anywhere. People need to cool it.
Not us though, we’re always cool! [;)]
I was in the office yesterday and I’d say about half are working remotely. IT is working on getting remote access to our files, so that’s why some of us (including me) need to come in at times. I’m trying to stay productive and do other things (like painting so I could make another blog post), but it’s quite a different routine.
Well Rene you and the rest of the gang be safe and look out for each other, even if your staff meetings wind up looking like this…
LOL, no worries. We have stopped all meetings at Kalmbach and are either emailing or posting things on a bulletin board and having people look/comment individually.
Looks like York is NOT gonna happen in April
And my passes to the York show arrived today! Maybe they will honor them for the fall meet once we get this virus under control.
Major, according to my just received news letter from TCA the April York registrations will be honored at the October meet. In addition, the October meet will start at noon on Thursday October 22.
I know you all don’t likely follow large scale, but I received an email this morning that the national garden railway convention says they are still on (late May in Nashville). I sure hope they are able to host the show but I worry about attendance.
OK, this is in the “Take it for what it’s worth” category.
My sister’s an administrator in a health facility in Florida. The concensus of opinion of the medical staff is the virus crisis should end in about a month, maybe six weeks. Maybe slightly longer, but not by much.
The reason being the changing of the seasons and the lengthening of daylight hours, plus the rising intensity of sunlight. The ultraviolet component of sunlight is deadly to viruses, hence the reason flu season is concurrent with the winter months and ends with the spring. So, even though they’ve had coronavirus cases, not many I might add, they’re not hitting the panic button. They have no reason to doubt this virus will behave any different from others.
Granted, medical opinions aren’t going to be monolithic on this, just like any group of people aren’t monolithic on any subject, but there is cause for hope.
Just thought I’d pass it on.
Hey Firelock, this is not the place.
Leave it to people who know and are paid to know. Not the drunk next door.
Hope is always at the door for those who have faith, all of that other stuff is what it is. Noise.
It is what it is and will be what it is, and everyone should get over it.
I am done!
I love you too, Bro! [;)]