Prior owner

While in Mississippi last week I noticed an old right of way from Robinsonville thru Tunica and following Rt 61 south toward Greenville . Any info ? Thanks in advance.

Illinois Central. All I got.

IC/ICG Clarksville Branch/ Delta Division …Yazoo & Mississippi Valley RR(1881-84)/ orig Memphis and New Orleans Railroad and Levee Company/Louisville, New Orleans & Texas Railway. Gone by 2/1984

Tree68 is right, it was part of the ICRR (pre CNR) The line came south off a lead out of Johnston Yard, turned south to the area of what was Lakeview(Ms) where the line split, and the Delta line went South roughly frollowing Miss Hy 3 South. ( The ROW line the railroad follows today to junction at Tutwiller(?) with the IC line that followed Hwy 3 South.

From the Lakeview area (Y&MV) it ran roughly following the line of the Mississippi R and west of US Hwy 61. From Lakeview, it went South. Robinsionville, Hollywood and Tunica. Between Dundee and Lula it had a spur to the West to Friar’s Point,Ms. The RRCar Ferry from Helena Ark, and the former connection with the M&NA RR , passenger trains) From the area of Friar’s Point the line followed Ms. Hwy 1 all the way to Clarksdale, Cleveland and Greenville, Ms.

Cotton used to be big business for the Y&MV in the Mississippi Delta. There are now many abandoned lines there, and it is no longer possible to go down to New Orleans through Baton Rouge from Memphis (the route of the Planter), as well as several other lines–including the IC’s original main line, which went through Jackson, Tennessee.