The QSI decoder in my Atlas HH600 has begun to act erratically, stopping every few seconds and starting again. I reset the decoder with no change in behavior. I purchased a QSI Programmer some time back but I cannot reinstall it successfully again since I now have a laptop with Windows 8.1 (aggh!). So, I cannot do a diagnostic on the engine. Has anyone else had a problem reinstalling the QSI programmer in Windows 8? Any suggestion re: the decoder. I only have one other QSI decoder. I have installed Loksound decoders in my other five engines and I am leaning toward putting one in this great-looking engine as well.
What DCC system are you using? Do you have more than one throttle? If so the loco may be on two throttles and the throttles are fighting each other to cotroll it. Go to QSI’s web site to see if they have a driver for Windows 8 or contact their tech dept. Joe
Thanks guys. I did go to the Tony’s Train site and reset the decoder according to the instructions there. It seems to have worked but the erratic behavior usually occurred when well into an operating session. I use Prodigy Express and do have two throttles. That may be plan B.