Problems with Walther's Decals

Hi, I’m having problems applying Walther’s decals to my Amtrak Superliners. This is my first attempt, the good news is I was able to remove them before they set up permanently.

First of all; I need to soak them in water a lot longer than 15 seconds contrary to what the instructions state to do. They seem to slide on fine, than I apply a brush of Microscale “Micro Sol” onto the decal. They look great until the decal starts to dry. The edges curl up and the entire decal refuses to stick. Once it dries I can peel it right off. Any suggestions on how to make this process work? Any information will be helpful.

Thanks, Mark

I most likely am wrong, but I think you want microset. I don’t know because I use solvaset. It could also be that the walthers decals are designed for use with the solvaset, which is a walthers product, and don’t work with the microscale products. Just some possible ideas.


Generally, the decal needs a smooth, clean surface to adhere to. A factory-fresh model probably has all kinds of gunk on the side of it – oils, etc.

Wash the entire shell (you did remove the shell from the car body, right?), after removing any electrical parts (lights) in mild, soapy water, then rinse thoroughly and let dry. Apply a clear, glossy finish to the part of the car you want the decal on. Let dry thoroughly.

Now apply the decal, using MicroSol / MicroSet or similar to smooth it down. Use a fine bristled brush, and gently smooth from the center to the outside. And yes, you need to soak the decal for more like a minute before it comes off the backing sheet. Make sure you can’t see any air bubbles under th

Decals like smooth glossy finishes. Don’t lay decals on a flat finish. Silvering will be the most likely result. I use Solvaset which is reputedly stronger, more aggressive, when it comes to settling decals than Micro Scale Microset. I read this way back in a model mag some where. Then an application of a flat finish will hide the decals quite nice.

On why you are having problems with Walthers decals, don’t know. I have but a few sheetsof them and all of them have laid down with no problems.
