Prodigy Advance2 Wireless Throttle Problem

I have a Prodigy Advance2 and the wireless conversion kit, so 1 wireless cab and 1 wired cab. All had been working fine when originally purchased. After being idle for a few months, I cannot get the wireless cab to work.

Wireless cab works fine when plugged into the base unit and triggers the green light to flicker on the wireless receiver. When I unplug the wireless cab from the base unit, the lcd display goes blank and it is unresponsive.

I repeated the steps of setting wireless to cab 1 and wired to cab 2, restarting the system - to no avail.

I have a fresh set of batteries fully charged in the wireless cab. Battery voltage shows 6.3.

If anyone has any suggestions or advice, I would greatly appreciate it.


Hi Dave,
My problem was an old battery I used by mistake, after cleaning the pip (top) it worked.
You get no LCD response at all? That happened with me, so I plugged in the tether no problem, pulled it out and switched on, nothing, zilch. Then I spotted the battery mixup and changed and cleaned all the contacts. Seems to have done the trick.

If it’s not that, could be faulty switch or something. I’d send it back to get sorted.
Be in touch.

Hi Pick,

Thanks for the reply.

After dinner last night, I went back down to my trainroom and messed around with it some more. My wife came down for something and as I was showing her how it wasn’t working, presto - it started working! Not sure what the problem was, but probably some sort of operator error - batteries not seated right (though I checked multiple times) or ??? I ran some trains three different times today and it continues to work fine.

If it acts up again in the future, one of my first debugging steps will be to show my wife how it’s not working!

Thanks again for your assistance.


Hi Dave,
No matter what, the boss is always right; you don’t get on her wrong side. Even when she can’t tell a GS Gon from a hopper.

I like the throttle layout and setup (buttons and knob), pity the batteries short life it’s the only real letdown, I’m working no that though.
Be in touch.

That’s the opposite of how it usually works - usually things work perfectly UNTIL you go to show them off, then it fails spectacularly and it gives her an excuse to say see, you shouldn;t have spent all that money on toys.


My wife’s not the boss. We have a relationship based on equality and mutual respect. She told me I could say that.[:)] Actually, I received a nice compliment from her this weekend - “Wow, it’s really starting to look nice.” - as I had recently finished installing hardboard backdrop and facia, and had cleaned up the room a bit.

To be honest, the boss in our house is a miniature poodle named Gracie.

Thanks again for the advice and good humor, much appreciated.