Production underway at new GE locomotive plant in Forth Worth

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Production underway at new GE locomotive plant in Forth Worth

Everything under one roof at Fort Worth and state of the art. Sounds like the begining of the end for Erie!!!

I bet that Guse is jumping up and down with joy, that another non-union, minimum wage manufacturing plant has opened up in the U.S.

@ Vasyl, please don’t feed the trolls.

Yup the end, of Erie is coming. No matter how much the company says they’re going to keep both plants running, if that was the case the would have built the facility in Erie. It reminds me when Union Tank Car built a new plant in the South in the Early 2000’s. They claimed they were adding capacity to help out the plant in East Chicago, IN. Within a year of the new plant going online, Union Tank Car shut down the East Chicago plant and moved all operations to new plant in the South with cheaper labor and no unions. Leaving a couple hundred people without jobs in Northwest Indiana. G E employees in Erie save while you can, because GE is sending your work South.

At least they kept this one in the US------------FOR NOW

They could have sent it to China! At least it will remain at home.

“We’ll have our first locomotive built …” Amaya said. “…It actually looks like a locomotive.”

Oh, really? What else should it look like?

Texas must be a “right-to-work” state. Makes a big difference to the bottom line of a company.

Perhaps the South will rise again…

Frank, the article states that whlie the engine is not quite complete, “RIGHT NOW…it looks like a locomotive”. Which would imply the cab and body are installed so the average person would recognize what it is.