I had a Loksound Micro being installed in one of my locomotives, a GP9. Everything is working fine except that there is a delay of 3 to 4 seconds between the moment I put the throttle up and the moment the loco starts moving. I have other locomotives with Loksound decoder installed and all will start immediately or with a short delay. I read the instructions manual but couldn’t find which Cv I should modify.
In my case I needed to add the delay. I installed a silent LokPilot decoder that would begin rolling immediately after turning up the throttle. I frequently used this engine along with another Loksound equipped engine which had the programmed delay allowing the prime mover to spool-up, then an air release would sound before the engine moved. I learned that the LokPilot has a “Virtual Driving Sound” setting that will introduce the delay.
If you look at CV 124 you can choose the start delay.
Digitrax guy here — [:-^] in reality I cheat and use a Lokprogrammer.
You could download the Lokprogrammer software and the sound project for the ESU decoder you are using. Make the desired changes and write down the CV changes as shown. Awkward but do-able.
Bit 3 has a value of 8, so subtracting 8 from whatever is already in CV124 should do it. But you have to know if it’s already set - it will be if the current value is 8-15, 24-31, 40-47, 56-63, 72-77, 88-95, 104-111, 120-127, 136-143, 152-159, 168-175, 184-191, 200-207, 216-223, 232-239, or 248-255
Hw do you figure that out? Just set Windows Calculator to Programmer mode and put in the value in CV124, it also shows binary, and if bit 3, which is the 4th bit fromt he left, is 1, then this feature is enabled, and you subtract 8 to turn it - you can do it in the calculator and see the only bit that changes is bit 3.
I am not sure I understood everything. Those Loksound are certainly not easy to programm, not for me for sure. I read the value of CV 124 (20 in this case) and subtracted the value 4 which is the value of bit 3 to enable motor delay. Entering 16 for CV 124 did the job.
I would have preferred a short delay like I have in two others but it seems tha it is only ON or OFF.
This is what I see with CV124=20 Check marks in 2/8 boxes. Unchecking the 4th box from the left decreases the CV by 16, the 6th box decreases it by 4, which is what worked for the OP. Are you sure it’s left to right?
Well of COURSE they do it different - It’s right to left, rightmost in NORMAL speak is bit 0, but it appears that ESU calls it Bit 1 so my numbers are all off.
Why is it so confusing? Because everyone can’t use the same INDUSTRY STANDARD terminology. Different every time menas almost no hope for someone who doesn’t do this all the time to possibly figure it out.
The programmer doesn’t display / use Bit 0 because, well … the value is 0. Kind of redundant for the programmer to be adding or subtracting 0 from a CV value.
Standard terminalogy is bit 0 is the right most, and bit 7 is the left most (for an 8 bit value). Bit 0 has a value of one. 2^(bit position) is the bit value of each bit.
so bit 3 to someone workign with digital electronics would be the fourth bit from the right, not the third, with a value of 2^3, or 8. The way ESU is using the terms, they are saying bit 3 is the third from the right. In digital electroncis, this would actually be bit 2, value 2^2, or 4. Which is the value actually used.