Programming locomotives.

I have a Bachmann GP 40 Diesel Loc. and an NCE Power Cab. When I program the engine in and push the forward button, my engine runs in reverse. Does anyone know why this happens?

Could be that one of the CV’s (CV29) isn’t programmed correctly. Did it run in the proper direction before you tried to program it?

Also, I recommend that this thread be moved over to the ELECTRONICS AND DCC area… (moderators take note)

EDITED: 02/03/2013 @ 0915 hrs (PST) - try programming CV29 to 34. Could also be that the wiring is backwards, if so, try programming CV29 to 35

With NCE, CV29 is programmed automatically depending on the answers you give to the programming screen.

When it asks ‘set up motor control’ answer yes. Then when it asks ‘direction’, your choice is either normal or reversed. Try normal first. If it still runs backwards, reprogram it and answer reversed.

These steps should be explained in your manual.

If you hard wired the decoder you have the gray and orange wires backwards on the motor, just reverse them and it will run the opposite of the direction now. If its a plug and play do the cv29 set up. Jim.