www.angelfire.com/de2/nickelplate/ - 7k This link will take you to a page with some pretty good pictures of how they are coming along with the work on this jewel.
I went to the site and did enjoy it. Man oh man, that is one beautiful paint job. Looks real sharp. It is really good work. [:)]
I can’t wait to hear and see it in excursion service. I just might have to make a fan trip. [;)]
The nose looks awesome. Any news/photos on the rest of the body?
Tom [:)]
There are several website for the 190. (There are also several threads going about it.) Here is a link that had a history of the project and a very nice gallery of pics. You can also register to be put on a mailing list and receive updates when they become available. I received an update just today.
Here is also a link to another thread contain some posts about the project.
Thanks for the links. Cool Photos.