Project Progress Photos - P Cubed

(Moved From Old Forum)

Project 1.

Rack’em Up

Racks On Sticks

(Moved from old forum)

Project 2

Field Of Pipe Dreams



Finished painting them. Ready to move on to the next step when they dry. (Did I mention that I hate painting?)


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(Moved from old forum)

Project 3

C’burger, C’burger, C’burger…No Pepsi…Coke

So that’s what happens.

Bottoms Up

Domes loaded and ready to ship.

1st Load loaded. Now where are the rest of the gons?

(This project complete)


Maxman, how did you cut the end of the can off so smoothly? It doesn’t look like a regular can opener would work. However you did it, it’s a neat idea.

Place sheet of 100 grit sandpaper on flat surface.

Hold can dome side down in right hand (#) and set can down into contact with sandpaper.

Keeping can perpendicular to sandpaper, move can back and forth or in circular motion until aluminum dome drops out of remainder of can. You are basically sanding the can bottom.

(#) You may use left hand if you are left handed, or if right hand gets tired.

Note that it is helpful if you have emptied the can first.

This is not my invention. I learned from another acquaintance.

I don’t have any soft drink cans in the house. I’ll be forced to drink a beer and try it. Thanks!

It won’t work with beer. At least not at my house. Bottles don’t sand well.

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(Moved from old forum)

Project 4

Won’t someone give me a brake?

I will if you tell me what the sticks are for?

Okay, now I get it.

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Loaded On Skids

Skid on flat car (at least it used to be flat)

(And this project is complete)

(Moved from old forum)

Project 5

This is similar to project 2, except different, and is further along than the other projects. Also ready for the next step.

The next step. Chalk marks added to load. Gathering materials to assemble the loads.

Several of the loads assembled.

How the load will appear on an 86’ flatcar.

And this project pretty much completed!!!

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