proper decoder for my locos

I recently purchased a NCE Powercab for my layout. I have a dcc equipped bli mikado. It functions properly. I also have a trainline gp9m diseal (from a train set), a spectum emd sd45 diseal, and another trainset bachman emd gp40 diseal.

Which decoders do I need to order to install in these diseals? I am very new at this, but get confused on all this decoder stuff, but do have the ability to solder and read directions.

Thank you in advance.


A basic decoder from NCE that I’ve used for all my older stuff (not DCC ready) is the NCE D13SRJ @13.50 each or also available in 10 packs @11.99 each.

With the Spectrum unit you will have to isolate the motor electrically from the frame halves. If the GP40 has the same split-frame design, you have to isolate that motor as well.

Thanks for your response Jay. Hopefully, when I get the decoders, I won’t manage to burn too many of them up before I learn how to install them properly LOL

Hard wired decoders are easy to install after you’ve done a couple. I’ve done over a dozen and it goes faster each time.

Thanks Jeff. I know I have learned quite a bit from your inputs. I have been a member of this forum for awhile, but usually just sit in the background and learn. Maybe someday, I will have enough knowledge to contribute to someone else.

We were all beginners at some point. I’ve been in model railroading since 1964. When I joined the forum in 2004 I was considered a beginner by many but I’ve come up a long ways. I did that by exchanging knowledge with others and learning from their experience. You’ll do the same but you first have to start interacting with others in the hobby. They can teach you a lot and before you know it you’ll be teaching others.