Does anyone have the Proto 2000 Berkshire w/sound and DCC. If so, how do you like it. Would you buy it again.
They are on sale this month in the Walthers sale flyer for $259.98, down from $409.98. I was thinking of buying one. I’ve been wanting a Berk for a while now.
I have two of the NKP Berkshires 772 and 776 and I like them very much. They are super detailed and with the traction tires are rated at 100 plus cars when MR reviewed them. The sound is OK, but the whistle could use some tuning in my thoughts.
The have working mars lights but they are not white as installed on the prototypes. They are an off yellow or orange but the headlight is white. I have not changed the lights out yet but did install a new upgrade chip in one of my Berkshires.
It is a good running locomotive and you should enjoy it at those prices. They were way ovepriced but I got mine at a major discount when they came out so I got two.
The picture below is the 776 on rollers for break in.
I bought the C&O version out of the second run and have been satisfied with it! The whistle is a little strange but I guess I can live with that. It runs good and looks just as good as a brass, in fact I had just bought a PSC C&O Kanawha and I really think that the Proto 2000 is almost the equal to and runs better than the brass version! That’s just my opinion but I don’t think you will be dissatisfied with the Proto 2000 Berkshire. Hope this helps!