Proto 2000 E-8 Mars Light

Am in the process of wiring an MRC 1800 decoder into my Proto 200 E-8. Looking for help in which leads are used to do so. And should the lights be replaced when using this decoder. I’ve pulled the old board from the unit and wired the decoder directly. But now I’m confused, as to how to wire the mars light and headlight in. Could anyone out there give me some much needed advice? I could really use it right now. Thanks…

Well. looking at the decoder (I couldnt find any documentation on it…from MRC), you have 2 lights available to you; forward (white) and rear (yellow). Now, most decoders will allow you to REMAP the REVERSE light to behave in the FORWARD direction as a MARS LIGHT. However…MRC does NOT allow REMAPPING.

David B

I have the Proto 2k Alco PA it came with a mars light that has 3 leads on it. I also bought the MRC OOO1803

decoder and it has all the connections for the proto installed mars light, it operates from the F3 function button

I Beleive they made a decoder for the Proto 2k E-8 also, I am not sure. you would have to do some home work on that.

I have installed DCC and sound in several Proto 2000 E-8s. I left the original light board in place, after disconnecting all wires, except the mars and headlight wires, and hard wired the DCC decoder in. Then I connected the forward headlight wire and common from the decoder, to the original lightboard track pickup connections. Now, when you press FO, power is routed to the original lightboard, and both the headlight and mars light will operate.