proto 2000 GP20: radiator screen replacements

i lost one of the long radiator side screens for my undec proto 2000 high hood GP20 and was wondering if there are any companies out there that make radiator screens that would fit my GP20. also will the smallest topside round radiator piece that comes with the high hood GP20 fit in the center, or would it be too small for the opening?

You might be able to get one from someone who has converted a P2K GP18 to a GP9…

May be you can bash something from one of these:;jsessionid=45150C80416808988563B4F781137EBE.qscstrfrnt03?categoryId=8

You could always try calling Walthers. They have a parts department and handle the Proto line.


If you cannot locate the parts through Walther’s try one of the HO scale yahoo groups. You can post a Want to Buy message for the parts you need.Worked for me several times over the years when looking for handrails etc.

Good Luck

John R