I just picked up a B&M Proto 2K GP18 for $20 from a coworker clearing his inventory. I haven’t run the loco yet but he says it runs great, the loco itself is in good condition. What are your thoughts on these locos and how difficult is it to convert to DCC?
They run good. If it is a ‘early’ one(1992???), it is not set up for DCC. I had 3 of them and it really is not too difficult to convert them. The big thing is putting resistors in series with the headlights(1.5v bulbs IIRC…).
Well I dont have a GP18, but I have an older GP20. Not hard at all to convert for DCC, there is plenty of room for an MC2. I like to replace all my bulbs with golden LEDs but thats just preference. Mine had a cracked gear but I replaced it with a wheelset from another P2K engine that got destroyed.
I have one of the new ones it runs like a champ. All you have to do with them is use a Digitrax DH163L0 the take the place of the bored, and have the resistors already on the decorder