I’m a newbie here having a problem with a new set I just bought yesterday. I purchased the MTH RailKing R-17 Subway Set. Before purchasing, I SPECIFICALLY asked the dealer if I would have any problems operating this set on my Lionel Polar Express system which come with the CW-80 transformer. I was told that if I had any problems with it, I should just reverse the wires on the transformer connecting to the track. Given this info, I decided to get the set and to purchase the DSC when I have a little more cash.
The problem is that I’m able to to get sounds but the engine only moved along the track once[V]. I’ve gone over the manual with a fine tooth comb looking to see what the problem may be including:
Testing and charging the internal battery
Making sure it wasn’t stuck in one direction
Trying to reset it to factory default
I now see in the manual that the Lionel CW-80 is not listed as one of the compatable transformers so my question is
Has anyone else tried this?
What can I get a little more info on troubleshooting this problem?
What type of problems do you think I will have trying to return the set considering I was given mis-information.[:(!]
I know you said you charged the battery but this really sounds like a dead battery. Did you charge it on the track at high voltage for about 1 hour?
FYI, my CW-80 makes my PS2 engine constantly blow the horn at higher voltage levels.
Sad but true that an older transformer that gives a pure sign wave is needed to run multiple manufactures fancy control engines.
Finally, make sure you have a lighted car, caboose, or accessory on the track. It might help with the CW-80. If you have no lighted car or accessory be sure to unplg the CW-80 and then restart.
Yes, I allowed the battery to charge over night. After doing a little more research (and feeling a little daring and impatient) I decided to open the unit and see what might be going on. It turns out that the battery cable was disconnected. Once I reconnected it, it started to work good.
Yes…I know I should’ve just taken it back and got another one but I got bored and impatient; couldn’t wait for the store to reopen the day after New Years Day.
I second the advise with the lighted car. I had the same problems with PS1 on a 50Hz layout. the train didn’t act as it should and even stopped switching directions. It didn’t go any further then the reset at last.
The I remembered having a lighted caboose on the tracks somewhere before the train started to act strange. I put the caboose back, and voila, the train worked flawless.
I now have a lightbulb constantly wired in parallel with the tracks to keep the signal clean and the engine working.
As strange as it may sound, the “lighted caboose” thing is REAL for MTH operation with a Lionel (in my case a CW-80) transformer.
Before I attached the Lionel lighted caboose, all I got was a partial bell, some engine sounds, clanks and clinks and no MOTION no matter what I did – I was ready to send my new MTH GP-38-2 back!!!
Then there came the LIGHTED caboose – you wouldn’t believe the difference!! After reading the attached suggestions, I installed the LIGHTED caboose – and wow!, like magic, the engine operated as if there had never been an issue – direction button produced forward and reverse, full train sounds, horn when in directional mode; it was amazing!! The only thing I can figure is that the sine wave from the Lionel CW transformer is not “normal” for MTH operation and the addition of the lighted caboose (or other lighted car) modifies the sine wave to MTH requirements sufficient to permit normal operation.
MTH engines with Proto sound ARE complex devices, but at least now I’m keeping the engine.
I have tried the “add a lighted caboose” solution to the problem of running (sounds, horn, bell, direction control) trains with a Lionel CW-80 transformer and I have now found tha it works with newer Lionel, Williams AND MTH engines – they ALL worked properly when pulling a lighted car (caboose or other lighted car). Really helped solve operational problems.
I have tried the “add a lighted caboose” solution to the problem of running (sounds, horn, bell, direction control) trains with a Lionel CW-80 transformer and I have now found tha it works with newer Lionel, Williams AND MTH engines – they ALL worked properly when pulling a lighted car (caboose or other lighted car). Really helped solve operational problems.
There are a number of folks that simply connect a light bulb across the track at strategic points to solve DCC issues. There is also a custom made filter that you can add to the layout in a few places that won’t draw any current, but will address the noise issue on the signal.