You could employ some sort of soleniod setup to swing the awnings out of the way, as the train passes. No one would believe it’s real though…
What the…
Did you notice the careful placement of the vegetables, not even one piece moved a hair.
Weird, just weird…
Wow, the EPA, FDA, OSHA, and any number of initialed federal agencies would have a hissy fit in this country. Holy Cow!
That was unbelievable!..[:O]
Good thing is your veggies come pre oiled for the pan :0)
When and if I ever get my layout up and running, it will resemble this scene somewhat. I will have to fold up the stuff I keep in the train room and roll it ninto nthe hall, bedroom etc to run the trains, then back into the train room as soon as operation is done.
In the second half of the vid as the train is going away, I thought all that stuff was getting run over. But they know exactly how high stuff can be piled without it getting hit. Amazing.
Steve S
Welcome to Thailand!
That wouldn’t work in India. Too many people hanging off the sides of the train…[:-^]
If you had that happen a couple of times a day every day you’d have a pretty good idea of just how high you could stack things…[(-D]
Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - where they DIDN’T do things like that)
Just goes to show you can have a layout no matter how much space you have [:D]