While surfing the net last night I found pictures of an experimental N&W steam engine from 1957. They wanted an engine that could pull long coal trains and yet clear all bridges and other trackside obstructions that a normal articulated engine could hit. They used reverse engineered technology from crashed and captured UFOs to build a flexible boiler that could build up to and safely hold 1000 PSI. I saw pictures of it and tried to download a file of it when my computer froze up. I’ll try to find the link tonight after I get home from work.
Go watch the Polar Express. That’s how the Berkshire got up that sharp corner on the steep mountain just before entering the North Pole. That engine contoured the terrain!
This is a shot of BNSF’s experimentation with magnetraction. A break through in railroading’s attemp to conquer the Rocky Mountains.
Good one!! Must have been another april fools joke!! But there really were steamers with a flexible boiler that was experemental. http://www.dself.dsl.pipex.com/MUSEUM/LOCOLOCO/flexmallet/mallet.htm
Cool berk thats was unknow to me.
Berk thanks for the tread it was intersting and I never knew a engine was ever made. It looks like my next project. It would be neat to do one of my homemade engine like that.
No problem. There were alot of oddballs out there, but not as odd as these locos!!