pulling power

I can pull a train that has 32 cars using three locomotives, 1 mac 90, 1 ac4400, and a GE u-33c


3 locomotive power or some unpower ( dummy )

At the modules, I run a 160 car double stack train. But at home the mainline trains usually dont stretch over 60.

For me 2 or 3 ( which locomotive not have unpower ) locomotive can pull up to 15 or 20 cars if enough pull to when go uphill or need 2 front and 2 back easy push some time single locomtive ( GP38-2 ) can pull 15 car when uphill

thats a lot of rolling stock
be careful

Since all my engines are 5 ton little critters I keep my trains down to 1-2 cars.

I don’t have that much rolling stock. In fact I have as many engines as I have rolling stock 4 a piece[^]. I run four cars(all I own) with one engine.

mainly 11-15 every once in a while over 20 small layout.

I run 1 engine with 12 to 20 cars depending what im doing sometimes not that many customers are shipping that day so ill only run 12 or so.

My sidinga can handle 2 locomotives with about a dozen cars, so that’s where I operate most of the time.

The other evening I hooked up all my cars (61) and 4 locomotives on my main line - 3.5% max. grade, with about a 2.8& average grade which climbs 7 1/2". Made it around the layout 3 times (6 times around the room) before one of the cars in the back got hung up and string-lined the intermodals.

A good test for my trackwork.

Mark in Utah

10-15 double-headed with K4s leading the way

I use a proto 2000 caboose
just looks good


It depends on the layout i’m on. If i’m on my home layout. 15 or 16 cars for mainline freights. 5 or 6 for locals. occasionaly i’ll run my entire 33 car unit grain train there, If i’m at the Club, i will run my 33 car unit grain with 2 or 3 engines.

The Milwaukee Road was know for there grades and I have grade thats approximately 2.5% and my locos run quite nice down it. I’ve got two loco’s on one train and about 20 to 25 cars on each train.


yep, I use 3 locos on front and 2 on the back at the modules. If you just pull a train that long the cars will tend to fall towards the inside of corners. There’s some technical term for that but I cant remember.

i think it’s called “string-lining” when they tip over to the inside.

AHA! thats it

I had that haapen w/ 28 NON_FREE ROLLING cars on my 18" curves- power was a U33C and GP38-2 and after a few rounds the cars tipped over to the inside- i just started laughing[(-D] even though it was a major derailment.

I saw it on an N scale layout at a show. It was a bunch of doulbe stack cars and containers went everywhere! It took a while to clean up.