Pulling power.

How much fuel is used, when a unit is pulling a train when it is under powered? Say, in an hour or so.
What kind of fuel is used?


Trucking can consume up to 30 gallons an hour of desiel flat out on a mountain grade.

Locomotive engines are far bigger than trucks so I can only guess.

There are some fuel consumption figures for SD70ACe and SD40s on Montana Rail Link in the current (March) issue of Trains magazine (haven’t got it handy so I can’t quote the numbers).


Doesn’t Al Krug’s site have a bunch of fuel consumption figures?

A typical 3000-4000 HP locomotive will burn 160-200 gallons/hr of No. 2 diesel fuel at full load (notch 8)

Go here:


Yes but a truck will only be at that fuel usage for a few minutes. I know climibing out of denver I was only at full fuel usage maybe 5-10 mins total time. Once you get on flat territory usage dropped to 3 gallons or so an hour.

Above freezing temps good ole number 2 diesel fuel burns best. It is the same thing as what you can buy at a truckstop during the summer but doesn’t have highway taxes and is dyed different.

Below freezing requires number 1 diesel because number 2 will gel.


We had a one unit wonder out of portage wisconsin the other week-6500 tons,8200 feet-brand-new ES44AC-used almost a thousand gallons of fuel to go about 230 miles…amazingly,we managed track speed much of the way…normally,each unit would use 2-3 gallons per mile on average with an “average” train…

A locomotive will only be in notch 8 when that much power is needed, just like you only floor the accelerator pedal of a vehicle when that much power is needed. Once you reach speed, you throttle back to the notch that maintains the desired speed.

But wouldn’t a REALLY heavy load require notch 8? or would it just slip the wheels when applying that much power?

Even the (aforementioned) one unit wonder we had didn’t require notch 8 the whole time…it was slow going up to tunnel city (Wi),then a long coast downhill to about Bangor (Wi)…repeated several times on the way back to St.Paul…lotsa slight to significant grades…